Year | Title | Title Holder/Company | Report id | Preview | Download |
2016 | Annual Report for the period 15 October 2015 to 14 October 2016 EL 4170 Cato Plateau and EL 4171 Cato River Combined Reporting Number GR077/09 Cato Project | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2016-0512 | | 1 file |
2016 | East Arnhem Annual Report 2016 EL 24524 | Groote Eylandt Mining Company; South32 | CR2016-0183 | | 1 file |
2019 | EL 24524 East Arnhem, Gemco Project Annual and Final exploration report for the period ended 19 April 2019 | Groote Eylandt Mining Company; South32 | CR2019-0316 | | 2 files
2018 | EL 24524 East Arnhem, Gemco Project Annual Exploration Report for the period ended 19 April 2018 | Groote Eylandt Mining Company; South32 | CR2018-0158 | | 1 file |
2017 | EL 24524 East Arnhem, Gemco Project Annual Exploration Report for the period ended 19 April 2017 | Groote Eylandt Mining Company; South32 | CR2017-0239 | | 1 file |
2015 | Annual Technical Report 2015 EL 24524 20 April 2015 to 19 April 2015 | Groote Eylandt Mining Company | CR2015-0254 | | 1 file |
2014 | 2014 Group Technical Report GR148/13 EL 10182, EL 24524, EL 27249 | Groote Eylandt Mining Company | CR2014-0355 | | 7 files
2015 | Combined Annual Report for the period 15 October 2014 to 14 October 2015 GR077/09 Cato Project | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2015-0694 | | 1 file |
2019 | Annual Report for the period 15 October 2018 to 14 October 2019 EL 24389 Cato Plateau, EL 4171 Cato River and EL 4170 Cato Plateau GR077 Cato Project | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2019-0554 | | 2 files
2014 | Combined Annual Report for the period 15 October 2013 to 14 October 2014 GR077/09 Cato Project | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2014-0874 | | 2 files
2017 | Annual Report for the period 23 June 2016 to 14 October 2017 EL 24389 Cato Plateau, EL 4171 Cato River and EL 4170 Cato Plateau GR077 Cato Project | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2017-0504 | | 8 files
2020 | Fourth Combined and Final Report for the period 15 October 2019 to 20 February 2020 EL 24389 Cato Plateau 2, EL 4171 Cato River and EL 4170 Cato Plateau GR077 Cato Project | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2020-0071 | | 1 file |
2018 | Annual Report for the period 15 October 2017 to 14 October 2018 EL 24389 Cato Plateau, EL 4171 Cato River and EL 4170 Cato Plateau GR077 Cato Project | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2018-0531 | | 7 files
2013 | Combined Annual Report for the period 15 October 2012 to 14 October 2013, EL 4170 Cato Plateau and EL 4171 Cato River, Cato Project | Rio Tinto Exploration; BHP Minerals | CR2013-0925 | | 2 files
2012 | Combined Annual Report for the period ending 14 October 2012, EL 4170 Cato Plateau and EL 4171 Cato River GR077/09 Cato Project | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2012-0760 | | 5 files
2011 | Combined annual report for the period ending 13 October 2011 EL 4170 Cato Plateau and EL 4171 Cato River | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2011-0766 | | 6 files
2010 | Combined annual report for the period ending 14 September 2010 EL 4170 Cato Plateau and EL 4171 Cato River, Cato Project | Rio Tinto Exploration; BHP Billiton Minerals | CR2010-0723 | | 7 files
2009 | Combined annual report Cato Project for the Period 14 October 2008 to 13 October 2009 EL 4170 Cato Plateau and EL 4171 Cato River | Rio Tinto Exploration; BHP Billiton Minerals | CR2009-0798 | | 8 files
2008 | Combined annual report Cato Plateau for the period 14 October 2007 to 13 October 2008 EL 4170 Cato Plateau and EL 4171 Cato River | Rio Tinto Exploration; Groote Eylandt Mining Company | CR2008-0644 | | 5 files
2016 | EL 29848 Annual and final report 24 February 2015 to 20 April 2016 Arnhem Land Project | Alcoa of Australia | CR2016-0116 | | 1 file |
2016 | EL 3350 Howard Island Annual and final report for the period ending 19 October 2016 | Alcoa of Australia | CR2016-0614 | | 9 files
2015 | EL 3350 Annual report for the period ending 19 October 2015 | Alcoa of Australia | CR2015-0906 | | 4 files
2015 | Sixth annual and final surrender report EL 398 Slippery Creek for the period 6 January 2010 to 18 December 2015 | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2015-0865 | | 2 files
2013 | Annual report for the period 6 January 2012 to 5 January 2013 EL 398 Slippery Creek | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2013-0016 | | 1 file |
2013 | Annual report for the period 6 January 2013 to 5 January 2014 EL 398 Slippery Creek | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2014-0022 | | 1 file |
2011 | Annual report for the period 6 January 2010 to 5 January 2011 EL 398 Slippery Creek | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2011-0004 | | 11 files
2015 | Annual report for the period 6 January 2014 to 5 January 2015 EL 398 Slippery Creek | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2015-0006 | | 2 files
2012 | Annual report for the period 6 January 2011 to 5 January 2012, EL 398 Slippery Creek | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2012-0008 | | 2 files
2015 | Second partial relinquishment report for the period 12 September 2005 to 11 September 2015 | Rio Tinto Exploration; Groote Eylandt Mining Company | CR2015-0756 | | 4 files
2015 | 2015 Annual and final report GR148 EL 10182, EL 27249 20 April 2009 to 20 April 2015 | Groote Eylandt Mining Company | CR2015-0256 | | 15 files
2015 | Partial relinquishment report 2015 EL 24524 20 April 2009 to 19 April 2015 | Groote Eylandt Mining Company | CR2015-0255 | | 7 files
2010 | EL 25395 Jandapa 1 Annual report for the period 1 December 2009 to 30 November 2010 | TUC Resources | CR2010-0924 | | 3 files
2011 | EL 25395 Jandapa 1 Annual report for the period 1 December 2010 to 30 November 2011 | TUC Resources | CR2011-0924 | | 5 files
2012 | EL 25395 Jandapa 1 Annual report for the period 1 December 2011 to 30 November 2012 | TUC Resources | CR2012-0964 | | 3 files
2014 | EL 25395 Annual and final technical relinquishment report 1 December 2009 to 30 April 2014 | Spectrum Rare Earths | CR2014-0399 | | 1 file |
2013 | EL 25395 Jandapa Fourth annual for the period 1 December 2012 to 30 November 2013 | Spectrum Rare Earths | CR2013-1059 | | 1 file |
2012 | Annual report for the period 1 December 2011 to 30 November 2012 EL 27591 Jandapa 2 | TUC Resources | CR2012-0965 | | 3 files
2011 | Annual report for the period 1 December 2010 to 30 November 2011 EL 27591 Jandapa 2 | TUC Resources | CR2011-0925 | | 5 files
2010 | Annual report on EL 27591 Jandapa 2 for the period 1 December 2009 to 30 November 2010 | TUC Resources | CR2010-0925 | | 3 files
2013 | EL 25395 Jandapa First partial surrender report 1 December 2009 to 30 November 2013 | Spectrum Rare Earths | CR2013-1060 | | 1 file |
2013 | Fourth annual report for the period 1 December 2009 to 26 November 2013, EL 27591 Jandapa 2 | TUC Resources | CR2013-1061 | | 1 file |
2010 | Partial relinquishment report for the period ending 14 September 2010 | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2010-0724 | | 4 files
2001 | Annual report on ELs 327, 328, 329, 3340 and 9969, Arnhem Land Project; period ending 13 May 2001 | De Beers Australia Exploration | CR2001-0205 | | 4 files
1969 | Report on exploration within AP1138 during 1968 | BHP Minerals | CR1969-0006 | | 1 file |
1970 | 1970 Report for AP 1965 Mount Bonner NT | Noranda Australia | CR1970-0055 | | 1 file |
1968 | Final Report, AP 1295 Arnhem Land | Western Nuclear | CR1969-0052 | | 1 file |
1997 | EL 6800 Black Mountain Mount Todd district NT annual report year two of renewal period | Acacia Resources; Pegasus Gold Australia | CR1997-0420 | | 1 file |
1967 | Report on Exploration Within Prospecting Authority 1138, Eastern Arnhem Land, During 1967. | BHP Minerals | CR1968-0011 | | 1 file |
1957 | 1957 Bauxite Investigations Arnhemland, NT | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR1957-0014 | | 1 file |
2003 | Exploration Licence 6351- East Arhnem Land, Annual Report | Northern Land Council; Northern Aboriginal Investment Corporation | CR2003-0254 | | 1 file |