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Title: Fourth annual report for the period 1 December 2009 to 26 November 2013, EL 27591 Jandapa 2
Title Holder / Company: TUC Resources
Report id: CR2013-1061
Tenure: EL27591
Year: 2013
Author: Hartshorn, G
Abstract: Exploration within EL 27591 was restricted to desk top review of the existing data, mostly being landforms and radiometric data. EL 27591 only covers 5km2 and was split out of a much larger application following the consent process under the ALRA legislation. This small tenement holding formed part of the broader Jandapa project which was under Option to RTX. Field work on the area was to be conducted in conjunction with the other Jandapa licence, EL 25395 however due to ongoing access issues this was never completed. A review of the license after RTX withdrew from the Option agreement has resulted in the area being downgraded and relinquished in full.
Date Added: 7-Mar-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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