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Title: 2014 Group Technical Report GR148/13 EL 10182, EL 24524, EL 27249
Title Holder / Company: Groote Eylandt Mining Company
Report id: CR2014-0355
Tenure: EL10182;  EL24524;  EL27249
Year: 2014
Author: Harvey, J
Abstract: East Arnhem Land is Aboriginal-owned land, as granted under the Aboriginal Land Rights (NT) Act 1976 (ALRA). The Groote Eylandt Mining Company Pty Ltd (GEMCO) has its obligations defined in various lease documents. During the reporting period, GEMCO focused on EL 24524 where 39 Aircore holes were drilled for 1,803m. A total of 461 samples were collected for analysis. In addition, GEMCO drilled two stratigraphic diamond holes for 86.4m from which 10 biostratigraphic samples were collected. All results have been analysed and have been incorporated into a preliminary model.
Date Added: 21-Aug-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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