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Title: EL 24524 East Arnhem, Gemco Project Annual Exploration Report for the period ended 19 April 2018
Title Holder / Company: Groote Eylandt Mining Company
Report id: CR2018-0158
Tenure: EL24524
Year: 2018
Author: Wright, K
Harvey, J
Abstract: East Arnhem Land is Aboriginal-owned land, as granted under the Aboriginal Land Rights (NT) Act 1976 (ALRA). The Groote Eylandt Mining Company Pty Ltd (GEMCO) has its obligations defined in various lease documents. Exploration by GEMCO within the tenement targeted Manganese (Mn) mineralisation and is based on historically reported Mn occurrences and previous exploration campaigns. During the reporting period, work completed consisted of desktop reviews in light of results achieved on adjacent tenure. Future work planned will involve a site rehabilitation survey and subsequent tenement technical review.
Date Added: 25-Aug-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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