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Title: Combined Annual Report for the period ending 14 October 2012, EL 4170 Cato Plateau and EL 4171 Cato River GR077/09 Cato Project
Title Holder / Company: Rio Tinto Exploration
Report id: CR2012-0760
Tenure: EL4170;  EL4171
Year: 2012
Author: Hartshorn, GK
Abstract: During the reporting Period RTX completed the following work on EL 4170 and EL 4171: Review of retained tenement for any remaining bauxite targets; Discussions with BHPB regarding their intended work on manganese; and Mapping, rock sampling and shallow auger sampling of one bauxite target within EL 4171. 7 rock samples collected and 10 soil auger samples. The results of the field work were negative and the remaining bauxite target has now been adequately tested. No work was completed on EL 4170. This tenement is being reviewed whilst negotiating access on the adjacent application, EL 24389 which was split out of the original EL 4170 application.
Date Added: 30-Dec-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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GR077-09_2012_GA_01.pdf1.87 MBPDF Add
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