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Title: Report on Exploration AtP 1138, Arnhemland.
Title Holder / Company: BHP Minerals
Report id: CR1970-0018
Tenure: AP1138
Year: 1970
Author: Gunn, M
Raetz, M
Abstract: Exploration within AtP 1138 during 1970 consisted of shallow percussion drilling to test geochemical anomalies IIA, IIB, and III. Minor follow-up stream sediment sampling and regional stream sediment sampling was also carried out. The drilling program involved 16 holes at IIA, 67 at IIB and 68 at anomaly III. the depths varied between 20 feet and 147.5 feet and totalled 6695 feet. Although no ore-grade material was intersected, further exploration is warranted.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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