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Title: Report on exploration within AP 1138 Eastern Arnhemland
Title Holder / Company: BHP Minerals Exploration
Report id: CR1966-0008
Tenure: AP1138
Year: 1967
Author: Chesnut, W
Blayden, I
Edyvean, M
Gee, C
Abstract: All the manganiferous occurrences drilled are reworked surface accumulations of small extent and of no economic importance. Possible source rocks for the occurrences were intersected in drill holes in the west Arnhem Bay area. Several structures favourable for ore localisation occur in the Strawbridge Creek base metals area however no direct evidence of mineralisation was detected. Testing of the Cato Bauxite revealed considerable variation in grades and thickness of possible economic bauxitic material. The area itself is unlikely to be economic.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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