Year | Title | Title Holder/Company | Report id | Preview | Download |
2015 | MLN 1126 Annual Report 5 January 2014 to 4 January 2015 | Mount Isa Mines; McArthur River Mining | CR2015-0034 | | 1 file |
2014 | Annual Report EL 5893, 4 May 2012 to 3 May 2014 Wellington Range | Cameco Australia | CR2014-0452 | | 6 files
2014 | Annual Combined Report GR051/09 EL 23862 and EL 24329 Tiwi Islands for period 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014 | MZI Resources | CR2014-0288 | | 1 file |
2013 | Wellington Range Annual Technical review 4 May 2012 to 3 May 2013 | Cameco Australia | CR2013-0526 | | 6 files
2012 | Annual Report Wellington Range Project 4 May 2011 to 3 May 2012 EL 5893 | Cameco Australia | CR2012-0392 | | 3 files
2011 | EL 5893 Wellington Range Project Annual report 4 May 2010 to 3 May 2011 | Cameco Australia | CR2011-0267 | | 5 files
2010 | EL 5893 Wellington Range Project Annual report 4 May 2009 to 3 May 2010 | Cameco Australia | CR2010-0262 | | 4 files
2009 | EL 5893 Wellington Range Project Annual report 4 May 2008 to 3 May 2009 | Cameco Australia | CR2009-0325 | | 5 files
2016 | EL 29848 Annual and final report 24 February 2015 to 20 April 2016 Arnhem Land Project | Alcoa of Australia | CR2016-0116 | | 1 file |
2008 | Wellington Range Project EL 5893 Annual report | Cameco Australia | CR2008-0232 | | 6 files
2017 | Final report for Wellington Range 2016-2017 CORE Collaborations Funding | Cameco Australia | CR2017-0001 | | 2 files
2016 | EL 3350 Howard Island Annual and final report for the period ending 19 October 2016 | Alcoa of Australia | CR2016-0614 | | 9 files
2016 | EL 22821 Annual and final report for the period ending 19 October 2016 | Alcoa of Australia | CR2016-0613 | | 9 files
2015 | EL 3350 Annual report for the period ending 19 October 2015 | Alcoa of Australia | CR2015-0906 | | 4 files
2015 | EL 22821 Annual report for the period ending 19 October 2015 | Alcoa of Australia | CR2015-0902 | | 4 files
2016 | Final report for Wellington Range 2015-2016 CORE Collaborations Funding | Cameco Australia | CR2016-0049 | | 2 files
2001 | EL 5891 King River Project Annual report 2000 field season | Cameco Australia | CR2001-0192 | | 10 files
2011 | EL 25976 Year 4 Annual report 11 May 2010 to 10 May 2011 | De Beers Australia Exploration | CR2011-0290 | | 7 files
2010 | EL 10229 and EL 25976 Year 3 Combined annual exploration report 11 May 2009 to 10 May 2010 | North Australian Diamonds | CR2010-0284 | | 5 files
2009 | EL 10229 and EL 25976 Year 2 Combined annual report 11 May 2008 to 10 May 2009 | North Australian Diamonds | CR2009-0330 | | 1 file |
2008 | EL 10229 and EL 25976 Year 1 Combined annual exploration report 11 May 2007 to 10 May 2008 | North Australian Diamonds | CR2008-0215 | | 5 files
2014 | EL 25976 Final surrender report 11 May 2007 to 21 May 2014 | Merlin Diamonds | CR2014-0348 | | 7 files
2013 | Sixth annual and final report for period ending 9 October 2013 | Stirling Zircon | CR2013-0883 | | 1 file |
2013 | Sixth annual and final report for period ending 9 October 2013 | Stirling Zircon | CR2013-0882 | | 1 file |
2013 | Sixth annual and final report for period ending 9 October 2013 | Stirling Zircon | CR2013-0884 | | 1 file |
2010 | Partial relinquishment report for EL 22707 Arrla Bay 3 for the period ending 5 June 2010 | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2010-1014 | | 5 files
2010 | Partial relinquishment report for EL 10229, 11 May 2007 to 10 May 2010 | North Australian Diamonds | CR2010-0403 | | 2 files
2013 | First Annual and final report for the period 3 April 2012 to 14 January 2013, EL 24522 | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2013-0023 | | 5 files
2010 | Partial relinquishment report for EL 25976, 11 May 2007 to 10 May 2010 | North Australian Diamonds | CR2010-0402 | | 2 files
2011 | Combined annual and final surrender report for EL 10229 11 May 2007 to 9 May 2011 | North Australian Diamonds | CR2011-0467 | | 5 files
2010 | Annual report on EL 22744 Arrla Bay 1, EL 22708 Arrla Bay 2, EL 24657 Arrla Bay 2a, EL 22707 Arrla Bay 3, EL 23972 Arrla Bay 5, EL 27156 Arrla Bay 5a, EL 27157 Arrla Bay 5b and EL 24108 Arrla Bay 6, for the period 6 June 2009 to 5 June 2010, Arrla Bay Project | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2010-0428 | | 5 files
2011 | Final report for EL 22744 Arrla Bay 1, EL 22708 Arrla Bay 2, EL 24657 Arrla Bay 2a, EL 23972 Arrla Bay 5, EL 27156 Arrla Bay 5a, EL 27157 Arrla Bay 5b and EL 24108 Arrla Bay 6 | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2011-0400 | | 4 files
2008 | Annual report for the period 6 June 2007 to 5 June 2008, EL 22744 Arrla Bay 1, EL 22708 Arrla Bay 2, EL 24657 Arrla Bay 2a and EL 22707 Arrla 3 | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2008-0275 | | 3 files
2008 | Combined annual report for EL 23070, EL 23071, EL 23915, EL 23917, EL 24019, EL 24020, EL 24021, EL 24684 and ELA 24022 Bynoe Project, for the period 21 July 2007 to 20 July 2008 | Uranex | CR2008-0351 | | 5 files
2008 | Relinquishment report on EL 5893 Wellington Range Project | Cameco Australia | CR2008-0389 | | 5 files
2009 | Combined annual report for EL 23070, EL 23071, EL 24019 and EL 24684 Bynoe Project for the period 21 July 2008 to 20 July 2009 | Uranex | CR2009-0483 | | 6 files
2009 | Annual report for EL 22744 Arrla Bay 1, EL 22708 Arrla Bay 2, EL 24657 Arrla Bay 2a, EL 22707 Arrla Bay 3, for the period 6 June 2008 to 5 June 2009 | Rio Tinto Exploration | CR2009-0392 | | 5 files
2001 | Annual report on ELs 327, 328, 329, 3340 and 9969, Arnhem Land Project; period ending 13 May 2001 | De Beers Australia Exploration | CR2001-0205 | | 4 files
2003 | Goomadeer project, EL 2858 and EL 5892, Annual report for 2002 | Cameco Australia | CR2003-0304 | | 6 files
1970 | 1970 Report for AP 1965 Mount Bonner NT | Noranda Australia | CR1970-0055 | | 1 file |
2002 | EL 3346 Second Annual Report 6 September 2001 to 5 September 2002 | Afmeco Mining and Exploration | CR2002-0202 | | 5 files
1965 | Preliminary report on the bauxite investigations of A.P. 1157 and 1158. | United Uranium | CR1965-0021 | | 1 file |
2003 | Arnhem Land West Gunbatgarri Project EL 2857 and EL 4012 Annual Report 19 March 2002 to 18 March 2003 | Cameco Australia | CR2003-0123 | | 6 files
2003 | Exploration Licence 6351- East Arhnem Land, Annual Report | Northern Land Council; Northern Aboriginal Investment Corporation | CR2003-0254 | | 1 file |
2001 | Arnhem Land West Joint Venture, Goomadeer Project, EL 2858 and EL 5892 Annual report for period 25 July 200 to 24 July 2001 | Cameco Australia | CR2001-0263 | | 8 files
2004 | Partial relinquishment report for EL 3346 Majari Project, | Cameco Australia | CR2004-0598 | | 7 files
1965 | Preliminary exploration report on Mt. Marumba and Parsons Range. | United Uranium | CR1965-0022 | | 1 file |
2001 | Combined Final Report for EL 328, EL 329 and EL 9969 | De Beers Australia Exploration | CR2001-0237 | | 2 files
1983 | Annual Report, EL 3059, Point Stuart year ending 12-09-83. | AGIP Australia | CR1983-0277 | | 1 file |
1999 | Arnhem Land Project EL's 327, 328, 329, 3340 and 9969 Annual Report for the period ending 13 May 1999 | Stockdale Prospecting | CR1999-0244 | | 2 files