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Title: Arnhem Land Project EL's 327, 328, 329, 3340 and 9969 Annual Report for the period ending 13 May 1999
Title Holder / Company: Stockdale Prospecting
Report id: CR1999-0244
Tenure: EL327;  EL328;  EL329;  EL3340;  EL9969
Year: 1999
Author: Millikan, MI
Abstract: The Arnhemland Project consists of five granted EL's. Exploration conducted during the first year of tenure involved the collection of 278 reconnaissance heavy mineral stream and loam samples and the flying and interpretation of a regional magnetic survey. Although 33 samples contained chromite grains, only four of these contain singleton anomalous chromites, which are worthy of follow up sampling. The aeromagnetic survey covered areas of poor drainage. This survey indicated 8 magnetic anomalies which were ground checked and sampled. None of the samples collected over the magnetic anomalies contained indicator minerals.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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