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Title: Annual Report, EL 3059, Point Stuart year ending 12-09-83.
Title Holder / Company: AGIP Australia
Report id: CR1983-0277
Tenure: EL3059
Year: 1983
Abstract: EL 3059 is held by AGIP, originally to explore for uranium. The thickness of cover was prohibitive to a uranium search. Recent upsurge in the demand for lime resulted in a change of exploration emphasis to explore the potential of shell grit and lime sand deposits. The shell grit in the area was previously auger drilled by Northern Cement under EL 931 in the early to mid 1970s. Their work and photointerpretation suggests that lime sands and shell ridges existed up to 10 km inland. AGIP undertook auger drilling and bulk sampling during the reporting period. The assay results were not available at the time of writing.
NOTEData incomplete
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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