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Title: EL 22821 Annual report for the period ending 19 October 2015
Title Holder / Company: Alcoa of Australia
Report id: CR2015-0902
Tenure: EL22821
Year: 2015
Author: Hatch, A
Abstract: EL 22821 on Elcho Island, East Arnhem Land was initially granted in October 2014 after traditional owners provided consent for bauxite exploration following a period of punctuated consultation dating back to 1981. Exploration programs aim to test whether bauxite occurrences on the eastern side of the island reported by Plumb (1965) are indications of a significant deposit of marketable bauxite. Preliminary geological reconnaissance included the collection and analysis of 10 rock-chip and float samples, the best of which returned assays of 23.3% available alumina and 14.7% reactive silica. Pervasive cover limits exposure of the underlying laterite and a program of vacuum drilling is planned to better test the laterite thickness and alumina grade across the license area.
Date Added: 31-Oct-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL22821_2015_A_04_QAQCGeochem.txt4.07 kBText Add

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