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Title: EL 7376, EL 7377 Bathurst and Melville Islands, annual report 18-02-1993 to 18-02-1994
Title Holder / Company: RGC Mineral Sands
Tiwi Resources
Report id: CR1994-0255
Tenure: EL7376;  EL7377
Year: 1994
Author: McGoldrick, P
Abstract: Work completed included 82.5km of road construction, 97 auger drill holes totalling 292.9m and 218 aircore holes totalling 1284m. In general the results from the quaternary sands were disappointing though one significant result was obtained from Lethbridge Bay (up to 27% of heavy minerals-rutile) which confirmed the islands as a potential rutile-zircon provence.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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