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Title: Wellington Range Annual Technical review 4 May 2012 to 3 May 2013
Title Holder / Company: Cameco Australia
Report id: CR2013-0526
Tenure: EL5893
Year: 2013
Author: Walsh, B
Savinova, E
Wyke, B
Fitzpatrick, A
Black, R
Dunlevie, T
Abstract: In 2012, eighteen diamond drillholes were drilled for a total of 7,032.5 m, including 1292.1 m of rotary mud pre-collaring. In addition, two 2011 diamond holes were re-entered and extended to a revised target depth. In total 518.1 m was drilled in 2012 as extensions of 2011 holes. Three areas were targeted for exploration in 2012: the Angularli, South Angularli, and Telstra prospects. Four drillholes, all located in the Angularli prospect, intersected uranium mineralisation (=0.05% U3O8 over 0.5 m long). Mineralisation is intersected either in the cataclastic breccia/sandstone, the basal part of the Kombolgie Subgroup (Mamadawerre Sandstone), or in proximity to the unconformity. Geophysical surveys in 2012 consisted of ground based gravity, cross-drillhole IP/Resistivity survey and high-resolution airborne magnetics. In addition, an orientation soil and vegetation sampling program was conducted over the Angularli and South Angularli prospects. Exploration drilling during 2012 on the Angularli prospect had a threefold purpose: to test the down dip extension of uranium mineralisation intersected in 2011, test for an inferred northeast-striking fault to the east of the Angularli Fault and to test an interpreted sub-parallel north-northweststriking fault ~400 m west of the Angularli Fault for Angularli-like mineralisation. Mineralisation was intersected down dip of the mineralisation intersected in 2011, however it was low grade and has downgraded the potential for significant mineralisation at depth. The drillholes testing for a northeast-striking fault to the east of Angularli did not intercept the interpreted fault. The drillholes designed to test the interpreted fault to the west of the Angularli fault intersected a significant fault. Perched tabular-style mineralisation hosted in Mamadawerre Sandstone was also intersected. This upgrades the exploration potential of the area and further work to test for unconformity-style mineralisation related to the perched mineralisation is recommended. Exploration at the South Angularli prospect during the 2012 field season has downgraded the prospectivity of the area. The lack of Paleoproterozoic Mamadawerre Sandstone, strong alteration and structural complexity do not suggest proximity to the unconformity in the area. Due to the unknown extent of erosion below the unconformity this area may not be prospective for uranium mineralisation. Therefore further exploration in this area is not advised at the present time. Recent drilling indicates a thick and extensive lopolith/sill of the Oenpelli Dolerite overlain by the Mamadawerre Sandstone at the Telstra prospect. No anomalous uranium values were recorded in any of the four drillholes. Thick Mamadawerre Sandstone cover and mafic lopoliths combined with a lack of structural complexity have downgraded the exploration potential of the area and further exploration at the Telstra prospect is not recommended.
NOTEAdditional geophysics datasets are available on request
Date Added: 27-Apr-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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