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Title: Partial relinquishment report for EL 3346 Majari Project,
Title Holder / Company: Cameco Australia
Report id: CR2004-0598
Tenure: EL3346
Year: 2004
Author: Mellville, P
Beckitt, G
Abstract: This report describes exploration work undertaken on the relinquished portion of the Majari Project between 6 September 2000 and 5 September 2004. The tenement is situated approximately 330 km to the east of Darwin, and is wholly within the Arnhem Land
Aboriginal Reserve. The tenement was granted to Afmeco Mining and Exploration Pty Ltd on 6 September 2000 for a period of six years. AFMEX was in joint venture with SAE Australia Pty Ltd and
Cameco Australia Pty Ltd. Cameco became sole owner and manager of the tenement in 2002. This report details work performed by Cameco Australia and Afmex on EL 3346, during the period 6 September 2000 to 5 September 2004. The relinquished portion of the tenement is overlain by recent Cainozoic sands and Creataceous sediments that obscure the Palaeoproterozoic sediments of the Kombolgie Subgroup and basement rocks. One area in the north-west of the tenement has outcropping Nimbuwah basement rocks. The exploration work conducted consists of airborne geophysical surveys with very limited geological sampling due to lack of outcropping rocks.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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