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Title: Relinquishment report on EL 5893 Wellington Range Project
Title Holder / Company: Cameco Australia
Report id: CR2008-0389
Tenure: EL5893
Year: 2008
Author: Ranford, C
Melville, P
Bentley, C
Abstract: The Wellington Range Project is located in north-western Arnhem Land, and is managed and operated by Cameco Australia Pty Ltd (Cameco). The tenement was granted on 4 May 2004 for a period of six years. This report describes exploration work undertaken on the relinquished portion of EL 5893 (Wellington Range Project) during the term of tenure. A partial relinquishment of 68 blocks for 216.5 km2 of EL 5893 was actioned on the anniversary date of 3 May 2008. 201 blocks for an area of 639.9 km2 has been retained. No other relinquishments have been made from the original area of grant. As all the relinquished blocks are on non-consent ground, Cameco did not conduct any exploration activities over the relinquished ground during tenure. Due to access land restrictions, Cameco was unable to assess the mineralization potential of the relinquished area.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL5893_2008_P_01.pdf58.24 kBPDF Add
EL5893_2008_P_02_Relinquishmented_Blocks.pdf168.84 kBPDF Add
EL5893_2008_P_03_Location_Plan.pdf173.56 kBPDF Add
EL5893_2008_P_04_Local_Geology_Map.pdf778.48 kBPDF Add
EL5893_2008_P_05_Regional_Geology_Map.pdf1 MBPDF Add

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