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Title: First Annual and final report for the period 3 April 2012 to 14 January 2013, EL 24522
Title Holder / Company: Rio Tinto Exploration
Report id: CR2013-0023
Tenure: EL24522
Year: 2013
Author: Hartshorn, G
Abstract: Exploration completed consisted of data compilation and target selection followed by a helicopter supported reconnaissance soil auger, rock sampling and mapping programme. A total of 38 auger samples from 30 sites and 4 rock samples were collected and analysed. The results of the work indicate that the targeted land surface consists of a red loamy soil sitting directly on a sandy clay saprolite without any evidence of bauxite formation. The negative results have led to the tenement and the split out applications being surrendered in full.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL24522_2013_AS_01.pdf666.21 kBPDF Add
CR2013-0023_EL24522_2013_AS_02_Location_Plan.pdf2.78 MBPDF Add
EL24522_2013_AS_03_Sample_plan.pdf833.42 kBPDF Add
EL29422_2013_AS_04_augergeochem.txt13.74 kBText Add
EL29422_2013_AS_05_rockgeochem.txt3.65 kBText Add

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