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Title: Combined annual and final surrender report for EL 10229 11 May 2007 to 9 May 2011
Title Holder / Company: North Australian Diamonds
Report id: CR2011-0467
Tenure: EL10229
Year: 2011
Author: Kammermann, M
Abstract: The target for exploration within the licence is diamond and uranium. The licence is on Aboriginal Land and is subject to ALRA (1976) access conditions. The licence was transferred from De Beers Australia Exploration Pty Ltd to NADL in early 2009. EL 10229 is located on the Milingimbi 1:250,000 geological mapsheet and the Cadell and Blyth River 1:100,000 topographic map sheets. The licence has an irregular shape resulting from 'no-go areas' defined by Traditional Owners during the anthropological surveys. During the reporting period a total of 3 samples were collected by TEU for geochemical analysis. A total of 6 stream gravel samples were collected for diamond exploration.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL10229_2011_AS_01.pdf42.34 kBPDF Add
EL10229_2011_AS_02_Figure1.pdf31.48 kBPDF Add
EL10229_2011_AS_03_Figure2.pdf20.49 kBPDF Add
EL10229_2011_AS_04_GeochemSampleData.txt553 BText Add
EL10229_2011_AS_05_SampleData2008-2009.txt885 BText Add

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