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YearTitleTitle Holder/CompanyReport idPreviewDownload
1957Ammaroo Basin-PR1957-00051 file
1958Petroleum Prospects of Bonaparte Gulf Basin: North West AustraliaWestralian OilPR1958-00021 file
1959Report on Gravity Surveys in Oil Permits 34 and 42, Northern TerritoryFlamingo PetroleumPR1960-00042 files
1956Report of the Keep River Party 1956Australian Aquitaine PetroleumPR1956-00021 file
1956Reconnaissance geology, Gulf of Carpentaria: A Process ReportFrome-Broken Hill CompanyPR1956-00012 files
1956Report on Exploration and GeologyWestralian OilPR1956-00092 files
1954Report on Trip to Bullo River-PR1954-A0011 file
1956Geology of Victoria River Area, Northern TerritoryAssociated Freney OilfieldsPR1956-00032 files
1956Progress Report on Geological ExplorationsAmmaroo Oil SyndicatePR1956-00072 files
1955Report on the Southern Portion of Westralian Oil Limited's permit area, Bonaparte Gulf BasinWestralian OilPR1955-00022 files
1959Review of geological and geophysical information, Gosses BluffConsolidated ZincPR1995-0005 
1956The prospects of commercial oil on Bathurst and Melville Island, Northern TerritorySantos AustraliaPR1956-00061 file
1959Gravity and Geological Investigations North of the Moyle River : Port Keats Area, Northern TerritoryAssociated Australian Oil FieldsPR1959-00012 files
1956Stratigraphic and Structural Observations in the area applied for licence to prospect for oil-PR1956-00042 files
1956Geological reconnaissance of Bathurst and Melville IslandsSantosPR1956-00051 file
1957Half-yearly report on work done in App. No. 14 Licence to prospect for oil in the Waterhouse and James Ranges, NT.-PR1957-00021 file
1957Geological explorations in APP12 (for period ended 30th June 1957)Ammaroo Oil SyndicatePR1957-00011 file
1959Report on a geological reconnaissance of petroleum permitThree States Australian PetroleumPR1960-00101 file
1955Reports on plane-tabled areas in Bonaparte Permit 3 NTWestralian OilPR1957-00042 files
1958Progress geological report, permit no. 3, Bonaparte Gulf BasinWestralian OilPR1958-00032 files
1956Report on Inspection Ammaroo Reconnanissance SurveyAmmaroo Oil SyndicatePR1956-00111 file
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