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Title: Progress geological report, permit no. 3, Bonaparte Gulf Basin
Title Holder / Company: Westralian Oil
Report id: PR1958-0003
Tenure: OP3
Year: 1958
Corporate Author: Westralian Oil
Abstract: The Palaeozoic strata consist of 9,000-10,000 feet of marine sediments the bulk of which are Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous. The sediments are highly fossiliferous over much of the sequence and include limestones, dark prospects are considered to be encouraging because of the relatively thick sedimentary column and the presence of potential source, reservoir and cap rocks, and structure. This report describes the present state of knowledge of the geology of the Burt Range embayment of the Bonaparte Gulf Basin.
Date Added: 19-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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