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Title: Report on the Southern Portion of Westralian Oil Limited's permit area, Bonaparte Gulf Basin
Title Holder / Company: Westralian Oil
Report id: PR1955-0002
Tenure: OP3
Year: 1955
Corporate Author: Westralian Oil
Abstract: Permian, Carboniferous and Devonian sediments are present in the southern portion of Bonaparte Gulf Area. Also it is possible that Ordovician and Cambrian sediments are present at least in the northern portion of the permit area. Despite the absence of oil seepages, which may be a reflection of the thrustfaulting, the geological conditions, which in other parts of the world are associated with oil accumulations, are present in the Bonaparte Gulf Basin. The existence has been proved of suitable source rocks, reservoirs and a cap rock, whilst possible oil traps in the form of anticlinal structures have been observed. For example, traps of commercial importance could occur in anticlines, in faults, in facies changes and in fossil reefs. In view of the evidence uncovered to date, it is considered that the area warrants further detailed investigation.
Date Added: 21-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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