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Title: Gravity and Geological Investigations North of the Moyle River : Port Keats Area, Northern Territory
Title Holder / Company: Associated Australian Oil Fields
Report id: PR1959-0001
Tenure: OP2
Year: 1959
Corporate Author: Mines Administration
Abstract: A detailed gravity survey, some regional gravity and a geological reconnaissance, were cared out over an area of approximately 30 square miles north of the Moyle River.
The survey failed to confirm the presence of a geological structure in that area. Although no fossils were found, it would appear likely that the flat-topped hills mapped north of the Moyle would be contiguous with those mapped in the Port Keats area. A detailed gravity survey, some regional gravity and a geological reconnaissance were carried out over an area of ~30 square miles, north of Moyle River. The work was carried out during April and May, 1959.
Date Added: 21-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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