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Title: Report on Gravity Surveys in Oil Permits 34 and 42, Northern Territory
Title Holder / Company: Flamingo Petroleum
Report id: PR1960-0004
Tenure: OP34;  OP42
Year: 1959
Corporate Author: Mines Administration
Abstract: In OP34, two areas of maximum sedimentary thickness, estimated at approximately 16,000 feet have been delineated. The sequence decreases in thickness towards the south. On OP42, it is suggested that Precambrian basement rocks lie close to the surface and that it is unlikely that Late Proterozoic or Early Palaeozoic sediments of the Amadeus Basin would occur below the Mesozoic sediments. Surveying over OP34 was carried out during the period of 4th to 26th July, 1960 and over OP43 during the period 4th to 7th August, 1960.
Date Added: 27-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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