Year | Title | Title Holder/Company | Report id | Preview | Download |
1998 | Exploration department end of year report December 1996 | Acacia Resources | CR1998-0156 | | 1 file |
1994 | Annual report for the Tanami Project Area for the period March 1993 to February 1994 Volume 5 - EL 2370 | North Flinders Mines | CR1994-0327 | | 3 files
1998 | EL 7623 - Margaret River Technical Report on Life of Tenement 1991 - 1994 | Dominion Mining | CR1998-0225 | | 1 file |
1998 | Brocks Creek Project Report For Exploration on MLN's 176 and 1139, MCN's 4689 - 4697, 4701 - 4703, 4863 - 4871 and 4895 - 4899 for the period 27th June 1997 to 26th June 1998 | Acacia Resources | CR1998-0627 | | 4 files
1999 | Kurinelli Infill Airborne Geophysical Survey 1999 | Arafura Resources | CR1999-0538 | | 1 file |
1988 | Evaluation Report Mud Tank Carbonatite Complex NT | Blue Circle Southern Cement | CR1988-0202 | | 1 file |
1986 | Preliminary results, bulk sampling, Fountain Head Alluvials GML 361 | Grants Patch Mining | CR1986-0155 | | 1 file |
1982 | Sedimentary structures and palaeocurrent in the Mount Eclipse Sandstone northwestern Ngalia Basin | Central Pacific Minerals | CR1982-0416 | | 3 files
1994 | Annual report for the Tanami Project Area for the period March 1993 to February 1994 Volume 3 - EL 2367 | North Flinders Mines | CR1994-0330 | | 4 files
1994 | Annual report for the Tanami Project Area for the period March 1993 to February 1994 Volume 6 - EL 4529, EL 6938, EL 1060, EL 2290, EL 2371, EL 2372, EL 6759 and EL 7121 | North Flinders Mines | CR1994-0500 | | 1 file |
1994 | Annual Report for the Tanami Project Area for the period March 1993 to February 1994 Volume 4 - EL 2369 | North Flinders Mines | CR1994-0329 | | 2 files
1994 | Annual report for the Tanami Project Area for the period March 1993 to February 1994 Volume 1 - Regional exploration EL 6859 and EL 7122 | North Flinders Mines | CR1994-0499 | | 10 files
1981 | The 1980 drilling programme at the Golden Dyke Dome, NT | Geopeko | CR1981-0314 | | 1 file |
1996 | Annual report for the Tanami project March 1995 to March 1996 | North Flinders Mines | CR1996-0268 | | 9 files
1967 | 1967 Summary report and recommendations, project A - Petermann Ranges | Planet Mining | CR1967-0052 | | 1 file |
1989 | Mount Ringwood Joint Venture MLN 872 to MLN 883 Report on exploration for the period 11 April 1988 to 31 December 1988 | Zapopan; Jimberlana Minerals; White Industries | CR1989-0253 | | 1 file |
1941 | 1941 - The Granites Goldfield Diamond Drilling Progress Reports | Anglo-Queensland Mining | CR1941-0001 | | 1 file |
1987 | Evaluation of the Walton tenements Bynoe - Reynolds River area, Northern Territory | Eupene Exploration Enterprises | CR1997-0694 | | 1 file |
1993 | Report for the renewal of MCS93 for 1993 | Mason, ND; Mason, J | CR1993-0621 | | 1 file |
1988 | Preliminary geological assessment with proposals for systematic exploration, Finniss Range Project | Corporate Developments | CR1989-0019 | | 1 file |
1991 | Annual report for MLN 726 and MLN 727 Bullman | ELC | CR1991-0629 | | 1 file |
1999 | Annual report for ERL 74 and MLC 554, 557, 559, 560, 675, 676, 700 and 703 for the period 24 December 1998 to 23 December 1999 White Devil Prospect | Normandy Tennant Creek | CR2000-0013 | | 2 files
1999 | 1999 Annual combined report on EL 8508, EL 9161, EL 9346 and EL 9594 Mount Bundey Special Project Area | Sirocco Resources | CR2000-0009 | | 1 file |
1999 | Harts Range Garnet Project Annual report EL 9190, 9191, 9195, 9558 and 8127 for the year ended 31 December 1999 | Olympia Resources | CR2000-0025 | | 1 file |
1999 | ERL 88 Mount Shoobridge Annual report 18 September 1998 to 18 September 1999 | Biddlecombe, RM | CR2000-0011 | | 1 file |
1999 | Final report for EL 8294 Kirin for the period 15 December 1993 to 9 December 1999 | Normandy NFM | CR2000-0070 | | 1 file |
1999 | 2000 Whites Gully project MC's157 209 and 336 Annual Report | Arltunga Prospecting and Associates | CR2000-0330 | | 1 file |
1999 | 1999 Annual report for MLN's 775-8 and MCN's 325-6, 570-1, 697-8, 875 and 1556 | Genat, I; Genat, J | CR2000-0113 | | 1 file |
1999 | White Range Gold project report on MLS 150 and MLS 151 for the year ended 31 December 1999 | Arltunga | CR2000-0124 | | 1 file |
1999 | MLNs 794, 795 and MCNs 1456 - 1463 1999 Annual report to 31 of December 1999 | Territory Goldfields; Northern Gold | CR2000-0065 | | 1 file |
1999 | MLNs 809, 884-892, 993, 1000, 1027, 1053, 1062 MCNs 1014, 1015, 1231, 1232, 3422, 4299, 4860, 4861 1999 Annual report to 31/12/99 | Territory Goldfields; Northern Gold | CR2000-0067 | | 1 file |
1999 | Browns Leases MLNs 139-147 and 150-152 Annual report for year ended 31 December 1999 | Compass Resources; Guardian Resources | CR2000-0119 | | 1 file |
1999 | MLN's 342, 346, 405, 459, 811, 1033 and 1039 MCN's 504, 505 and 3161 1999 Annual report to 31 of December 1999 | Territory Goldfields; Northern Gold | CR2000-0066 | | 1 file |
1999 | Annual report 1999 MLN 426 Kadiwalker | Carlow, J | CR2000-0069 | | 1 file |
1999 | Final report EL 9211 Abner Range - East 25 August 1995 to 10 September 1999 | Ashton Mining | CR2000-0002 | | 1 file |
1999 | EL 9683 1998-1999 Annual report 10 December 1998 to 9 December 1999 | Northern Gold | CR2000-0006 | | 2 files
1999 | Final Report EL 8698 Abner Range 9 January 1995 to 10 September 1999 | Ashton Mining | CR2000-0003 | | 1 file |
1999 | Annual report to 31 December 1999 for Yam Creek | Territory Goldfields; Northern Gold | CR2000-0020 | | 1 file |
1999 | Annual report for MCN1326 Mount Tymn | Not Given | CR2000-0033 | | 1 file |
1999 | Progress report to PNC Exploration EL 734 and EL 5890 1999 Annual report | PNC Exploration Australia; Stockdale Prospecting | CR2000-0284 | | 5 files
1999 | MLNs 414-418 Rhodes Prospect, Annual report to 31 December 1999 | Northern Gold | CR2000-0019 | | 1 file |
1999 | Final report on EL 7269, 18 June 1991 to 10 September 1999 and EL 7228, 14 January 1991 to 10 September 1999 | Ashton Mining | CR2000-0005 | | 5 files
1999 | EL 2505, EL 2506, EL 2507, EL 2516, EL 2517, EL 7029, EL 9354 Tin Camp Creek Joint Venture Fourth Annual Report 12 September 1998 to 11 September 1999 | Cameco Australia; SAE Australia; West Arnhem Land Corporation; Afmeco Mining and Exploration | CR1999-0489 | | 8 files
1999 | Annual report for MLC's 418-420 and 423-425 Beersheba, for the year ending 25 September 1999, Jawatawata Group | Normandy Tennant Creek; Acacia Resources | CR1999-0449 | | 2 files
1999 | Batchelor Project EL 9501 Annual report for period 13 September 1998 to 12 September 1999 3rd year of tenure | Savanna Mineral Resources | CR1999-0439 | | 13 files
1998 | Interim report for the Jila JV Project covering the 1998 field season | Normandy Gold; Yuendumu Mining Company; Normandy NFM | CR1999-0233 | | 3 files
1999 | Annual Report for MLC 4, 5, 127, 129 and MCC 1034 for the year ending 25 March 1999 Peko East and Blanc leases Central JV2 Reporting Group | Normandy Tennant Creek; Normandy NFM; Pacific mining Corporation | CR1999-0331 | | 2 files
1999 | Annual Report EL 8134 Kilgour Gorge 24 November 1998 to 23 November 1999 | Ashton Mining | CR1999-0519 | | 2 files
1999 | Annual report for the Tanami Project for the 1998 field season | Normandy NFM | CR1999-0211 | | 4 files
1999 | Annual mine based exploration report for Union Reefs Gold Mine MLN 1109 for the year ending 31 December 1999 | Acacia Resources | CR1999-0492 | | 3 files