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Title: EL 2505, EL 2506, EL 2507, EL 2516, EL 2517, EL 7029, EL 9354 Tin Camp Creek Joint Venture Fourth Annual Report 12 September 1998 to 11 September 1999
Title Holder / Company: Cameco Australia
SAE Australia
West Arnhem Land Corporation
Afmeco Mining and Exploration
Report id: CR1999-0489
Tenure: EL2505;  EL2506;  EL2507;  EL2516;  EL2517;  EL7029;  EL9354
Year: 1999
Author: Fabray, J
Abstract: Work completed during the last year included RC and diamond drilling, ground EM survey, soil sampling and surface sandstone sampling. Drilling carried out within South Horn to test radiometric anomaly11 has the best result 1m at 1130ppm U at 29 m. Drilling conducted to test mineralisation in dolerite and the basement beneath surface radiometric anomaly 13 didn't find anomalous radioactivity below the unconformity. The best assay 1m at 1280ppm U and 0.8g-t Au at 21 m was intersected within Oenpelli dolerite testing for possible N - S structures controlling the mineralisation. Drilling program completed at South Horn proved minor uranium mineralisation. No uranium anomalous was logged within the drilling in the South Horn West. Within Gurri Garri area a narrow zone, 0.05m at 0.51 percent U was intersected. Ground EM survey confirmed the presence of subsurface conductors at three airborne EM anomalies. Soil sampling completed in Razorback Prospect shows that anomalous value Au,Cu and As is associated with outcropping quartz breccia veins. Soil sampling carried out to test EM anomaly 11/12 shows weak base metal anomalism. Sandstone samples were collected and analysed to determine changes in their clay mineralogy caused by underlying uranium mineralisation. No significant uranium mineralisation was found this year but the results are encouraging.
Date Added: 5-Nov-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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