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Title: MLNs 809, 884-892, 993, 1000, 1027, 1053, 1062 MCNs 1014, 1015, 1231, 1232, 3422, 4299, 4860, 4861 1999 Annual report to 31/12/99
Title Holder / Company: Territory Goldfields
Northern Gold
Report id: CR2000-0067
Tenure: MLN809;  MLN884;  MLN885;  MLN886;  MLN887;  MLN888;  MLN889;  MLN890;  MLN891;  MLN892;  MLN993;  MLN1000;  MLN1027;  MLN1053;  MLN1062;  MCN1014;  MCN1015;  MCN1230;  MCN1231;  MCN1232;  MCN3422;  MCN4299;  MCN4860;  MCN4861
Year: 1999
Author: Mottram, N
Abstract: The entire Burnside area was re-evaluated and re-interpreted, following the last phase of RC drilling. Total resources of 9.25Mt at 1.48 g-t Au, including 3.2Mt at 1.55 g-t Au measured, 2.8Mt at 1.42 g-t indicated and 3.25Mt at 1.45 g-t Au inferred category were estimated.
Date Added: 25-Nov-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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