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Title: Annual report for the Tanami Project Area for the period March 1993 to February 1994 Volume 2 - EL 2366
Title Holder / Company: North Flinders Mines
Report id: CR1994-0328
Tenure: EL2366
Year: 1994
Author: Archibald, DAC
Abstract: Work for the annual period ending February 1994 concentrated on Horderns Hill, Peter's Prospect (Approach Hill), HOF (Hairdresser on Fire), and Quartz Ridge. This work included 1:2500 geological mapping, lag and rock chip sampling, ground magnetics, RAB-RC and vacuum drilling. At Horden 1 an area of 1600m strike gold anomalism was outlined. The RC drilling revealing a zone of 8 to 10m true at 1.2-2.0g-t over 50m dipping steeply north.
NOTE6 volume report split into 6 CR's, see below;
CR1994-0499 - Volume 1
CR1994-0328 - Volume 2
CR1994-0330 - Volume 3
CR1994-0329 - Volume 4
CR1994-0327 - Volume 5
CR1994-0500 - Volume 6
Date Added: 23-Apr-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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