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Title: Progress report to PNC Exploration EL 734 and EL 5890 1999 Annual report
Title Holder / Company: PNC Exploration Australia
Stockdale Prospecting
Report id: CR2000-0284
Tenure: EL734;  EL5890
Year: 1999
Author: Millikan, MI
Abstract: Exploration conducted over the joint venture licences in 1999 involved the flying of detailed airborne magnetic surveys, the field inspection and check sampling of nine aeromagnetic anomalies and the collection of close interval follow up stream samples around a reconnaissance sample (BT5422) which contained possible kimberlitic chrome spinels. Only two out of 11 stream sediment samples contained chrome spinel grains, which do not have surface textures or morphologies that are considered to be diagnostic of a kimberlitic source.
Date Added: 18-Nov-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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