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Title: The 1980 drilling programme at the Golden Dyke Dome, NT
Title Holder / Company: Geopeko
Report id: CR1981-0314
Tenure: ML682A;  ML683A;  ML684A;  ML685A;  ML1429A;  ML1430A;  ML1431A;  ML1432A;  ML1546A;  ML1549A;  ML1550A;  ML1551A;  MC138B;  MC139B;  MC140B;  MC141B;  MC142B;  DC213B;  GML181B;  GML1823;  GML183B;  GML184B;  GML185B;  GML186B;  GML1873;  GML188B;  GML189B;  GML190B;  GML220B;  GML221B;  GML222B;  GML223B;  GML224B;  GML225B;  ML377B;  ML414B;  ML415B;  ML458B;  ML459B;  ML460B;  ML810B;  ML866B;  ML867B;  ML868B;  ML869B;  ML1072B;  ML1107B;  ML1183B;  ML1184B;  ML1186B;  ML1192B;  ML1196B;  ML1236B;  ML1237B;  ML1308B;  ML1309B;  ML1310B;  ML1311B;  ML1312B;  ML1517B;  ML1518B;  ML1519B;  ML1520B;  ML1521B;  ML1522B;  ML1523B;  ML1524B;  ML1525B;  ML1527B;  ML1528B;  ML1529B;  ML15308;  ML1531B;  ML1532B;  ML1533B;  ML1534B;  ML1535B;  ML1536B;  ML1537B;  ML1538B;  ML1539B;  ML1540B;  ML1541B;  ML1542B;  ML1543B;  ML1544B;  ML1545B;  ML1546B;  ML1547B;  ML1548B;  ML1549B;  ML1550B;  ML1551B;  ML1552B;  ML1554B;  ML1555B;  ML1557B;  ML1558B;  ML1560B;  ML1561B;  ML1562B;  ML1563B;  ML1564B;  ML1565B;  ML1566B;  ML1567B;  ML1568B;  ML1569B;  ML1570B;  ML1571B;  ML1572B;  ML1573B;  ML1574B;  ML1575B;  ML1576B;  ML1577B;  ML1578B;  ML1579B;  ML1584B;  ML1585B;  ML1586B;  ML1587B;  ML1588B;  ML1589B;  ML1590B;  ML1591B;  ML1592B;  ML1593B;  ML1594B;  ML1595B;  ML1596B;  ML1597B;  ML1598B;  ML1599B;  ML1600B;  ML1601B;  ML1602B;  ML1603B;  ML1604B;  ML1605B;  ML1606B;  ML1607B;  ML1608B;  ML1620B;  ML1621B;  ML1622B;  ML1623B;  ML1624B;  ML1625B;  ML1626B;  ML1627B;  ML1628B;  ML1629B;  ML1630B;  ML1631B;  ML1632B;  ML1633B;  EL1123;  EL1636;  EL2095
Year: 1981
Author: Nicholson, PM
Abstract: This report contains the results of a 6 month exploration programme on several stratiform gold prospects at the Golden Dyke Dome, N.T. About 100 Mineral Leases were pegged and several other pieces of tenure secured by option deals; certain areas were gridded, grid mapped and partially surveyed for magnetics and TEM; and 23 diamond drill holes totalling 3,866.1 metres in length were completed. The most significant gold mineralisation is associated with stratiform and stratified concentrations of pyrite and arsenopyrite. These concentrations are hosted by lithologies deposited in restricted pelagic environments, for example, carbonaceous mudstone and banded iron formation. Insufficient resource was located to justify the purchase of several leases covering the areas of most intensive exploration. However, several mineralised bodies are open into tenure not at present controlled by Geopeko and the surrounding Cosmo-Burrundie area contains a strike length of over 100km of untested, prospective lithologies.
NOTEPlates are incomplete
Date Added: 7-Feb-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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