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YearTitleTitle Holder/CompanyReport idPreviewDownload
2015MLN 1126 Annual Report 5 January 2014 to 4 January 2015Mount Isa Mines; McArthur River MiningCR2015-00341 file
2014Annual Report EL 5893, 4 May 2012 to 3 May 2014 Wellington RangeCameco AustraliaCR2014-04526 files
2014Annual Combined Report GR051/09 EL 23862 and EL 24329 Tiwi Islands for period 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014MZI ResourcesCR2014-02881 file
2013Wellington Range Annual Technical review 4 May 2012 to 3 May 2013Cameco AustraliaCR2013-05266 files
2012Annual Report Wellington Range Project 4 May 2011 to 3 May 2012 EL 5893Cameco AustraliaCR2012-03923 files
2011EL 5893 Wellington Range Project Annual report 4 May 2010 to 3 May 2011Cameco AustraliaCR2011-02675 files
2010EL 5893 Wellington Range Project Annual report 4 May 2009 to 3 May 2010Cameco AustraliaCR2010-02624 files
2016EL 29848 Annual and final report 24 February 2015 to 20 April 2016 Arnhem Land ProjectAlcoa of AustraliaCR2016-01161 file
2017Final report for Wellington Range 2016-2017 CORE Collaborations FundingCameco AustraliaCR2017-00012 files
2016EL 3350 Howard Island Annual and final report for the period ending 19 October 2016Alcoa of AustraliaCR2016-06149 files
2016EL 22821 Annual and final report for the period ending 19 October 2016Alcoa of AustraliaCR2016-06139 files
2015EL 3350 Annual report for the period ending 19 October 2015Alcoa of AustraliaCR2015-09064 files
2015EL 22821 Annual report for the period ending 19 October 2015Alcoa of AustraliaCR2015-09024 files
2016Final report for Wellington Range 2015-2016 CORE Collaborations FundingCameco AustraliaCR2016-00492 files
2011EL 25976 Year 4 Annual report 11 May 2010 to 10 May 2011De Beers Australia ExplorationCR2011-02907 files
2010EL 10229 and EL 25976 Year 3 Combined annual exploration report 11 May 2009 to 10 May 2010North Australian DiamondsCR2010-02845 files
2014EL 25976 Final surrender report 11 May 2007 to 21 May 2014Merlin DiamondsCR2014-03487 files
2013Sixth annual and final report for period ending 9 October 2013Stirling ZirconCR2013-08821 file
2013Sixth annual and final report for period ending 9 October 2013Stirling ZirconCR2013-08831 file
2013Sixth annual and final report for period ending 9 October 2013Stirling ZirconCR2013-08841 file
2010Partial relinquishment report for EL 22707 Arrla Bay 3 for the period ending 5 June 2010Rio Tinto ExplorationCR2010-10145 files
2010Annual report on EL 22744 Arrla Bay 1, EL 22708 Arrla Bay 2, EL 24657 Arrla Bay 2a, EL 22707 Arrla Bay 3, EL 23972 Arrla Bay 5, EL 27156 Arrla Bay 5a, EL 27157 Arrla Bay 5b and EL 24108 Arrla Bay 6, for the period 6 June 2009 to 5 June 2010, Arrla Bay ProjectRio Tinto ExplorationCR2010-04285 files
2010Partial relinquishment report for EL 10229, 11 May 2007 to 10 May 2010North Australian DiamondsCR2010-04032 files
2010Partial relinquishment report for EL 25976, 11 May 2007 to 10 May 2010North Australian DiamondsCR2010-04022 files
2011Combined annual and final surrender report for EL 10229 11 May 2007 to 9 May 2011North Australian DiamondsCR2011-04675 files
2011Final report for EL 22744 Arrla Bay 1, EL 22708 Arrla Bay 2, EL 24657 Arrla Bay 2a, EL 23972 Arrla Bay 5, EL 27156 Arrla Bay 5a, EL 27157 Arrla Bay 5b and EL 24108 Arrla Bay 6Rio Tinto ExplorationCR2011-04004 files
2013First Annual and final report for the period 3 April 2012 to 14 January 2013, EL 24522Rio Tinto ExplorationCR2013-00235 files
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