Year | Title | Title Holder/Company | Report id | Preview | Download |
2014 | Annual Report EL 29193, EL 29194, EL 29195 and EL 29197 period 30 July 2013 to 29 July 2014 GR346 Nil Report | FSL Corporation | CR2014-0670 | | 1 file |
2014 | Annual Report EL 29196 period 30 July 2013 to 29 July 2014 | FSL Corporation | CR2014-0629 | | 1 file |
2012 | Year 1 Annual Report South Buchanan EL 28583, 12 September 2011 to 11 September 2012 | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2012-0695 | | 1 file |
2013 | Annual Report GR319/13 EL 29193, EL 29194, EL 29195, EL 29197 period 30 July 2012 to 29 July 2013 | Fertoz | CR2013-0715 | | 1 file |
2013 | Annual Report EL 29196 period 30 July 2012 to 29 July 2013 Barkly Project | Fertoz | CR2013-0716 | | 1 file |
2013 | Highlands Plains Project and Exploration Targets EL 25068, EL 25600, EL 28152, EL 28153 and EL 28157 Group Annual Geological Report GR-096/09 for the period ended 7 August 2013 | Phosphate Australia; Jimpec Resources | CR2013-0751 | | 1 file |
2013 | 2013 Final Report Alroy Downs EL 28331 | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2013-0203 | | 3 files
2013 | Final Report Playford Junction East EL 28582 | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2013-0210 | | 1 file |
2013 | 2013 Final Report South Buchanan EL 28583 | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2013-0200 | | 1 file |
2013 | 2003 Final Report Playford Junction EL 28523 | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2013-0209 | | 3 files
2012 | Year 1 Annual Report Playford Junction East 12 September 2011 to 11 September 2012 EL 28582 | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2012-0685 | | 1 file |
2012 | Year 1 Annual report Playford Junction EL 28523 12 September 2011 to 11 September 2012 | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2012-0693 | | 3 files
2012 | Highlands Plains Project and Exploration Targets EL 25068, EL 25600, EL 27038, EL 27269 and EL 28157 Group Annual Geological Report GR-096/09 for the period ended 7 August 2012 | Phosphate Australia | CR2012-0584 | | 2 files
2012 | Year 1 Annual report Alroy Downs EL 28331, 17 May 2011 to 16 May 2012 | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2012-0526 | | 4 files
2010 | Highland Plains Project and Exploration Targets EL 25068, EL 25600, EL 25972, EL 27038 and EL 27269 Group annual geological report for the period ended 7 August 2010 | Phosphate Australia | CR2010-0692 | | 1 file |
2017 | EL 30925, EL 30926 and EL 30927 Georgina Project Area GR439 First annual report year to 28 February 2017 | Ripple Resources | CR2017-0074 | | 1 file |
2017 | EL 30925, EL 30926 and EL 30927 Georgina Project Area GR439 Final report to 20 June 2017 | Ripple Resources | CR2017-0262 | | 1 file |
2016 | Final annual and surrender report EL 30447, EL 30448 and EL 30449, 27 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 | ACH Exploration | CR2016-0248 | | 1 file |
2014 | EL 29195 Partial relinquishment report period 30 July 2012 to 28 November 2014 | FSL Corporation | CR2014-0939 | | 1 file |
2014 | EL 29193 Partial relinquishment report 30 July 2012 to 28 November 2014 | FSL Corporation | CR2014-0938 | | 1 file |
2014 | EL 29196 Partial relinquishment report 30 July 2012 to 28 November 2014 | FSL Corporation | CR2014-0942 | | 1 file |
2014 | EL 29197 Partial relinquishment report 30 July 2012 to 28 November 2014 | FSL Corporation | CR2014-0943 | | 1 file |
2014 | EL 25600 Final technical report 23 August 2007 to 1 September 2014 | Phosphate Australia | CR2014-0772 | | 1 file |
2011 | GR123 Combined annual report for the year ending 7 April 2011 | Australis Exploration | CR2011-0157 | | 1 file |
2013 | GR123 Glasshouse Project Combined annual technical report for year ending 7 April 2013 | Australis Exploration | CR2013-0098 | | 3 files
2010 | GR123 Combined annual report for the year ending 7 April 2010 | Australis Exploration | CR2010-0192 | | 1 file |
2012 | GR123 Combined annual technical report for year ending 7 April 2012 | Australis Exploration | CR2012-0283 | | 4 files
2013 | Annual and final technical report for GR123 Glasshouse, EL 26310, EL 26311, EL 26312 and EL 26701 for the period 8 April 2008 to 24 October 2013 | Australis Exploration | CR2013-0837 | | 5 files
2013 | Final report Desert Creek EL 28799 13 January 2012 to 5 March 2013 | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2013-0199 | | 1 file |
2011 | Year 1 Annual group report Barkly Project | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2011-0270 | | 6 files
2013 | Final group report 2013, Barkly Group Project, year ending 5 March 2013 | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2013-0202 | | 1 file |
2013 | Final group report 2013, Barkly Group Project GR 167, year ending 31 October 2013 | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2013-0851 | | 1 file |
2012 | Year 2 Annual group report Barkly Project 20 May 2011 to 19 May 2012 | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2012-0461 | | 1 file |
2010 | Final surrender report for the Barkly Project EL 27082 for the period ending 31 August 2010 | Aragon Resources | CR2010-1020 | | 1 file |
2011 | Combined annual report for the period 1 February 2010 to 31 January 2011 | Northern Minerals | CR2011-0024 | | 1 file |
2010 | Partial relinquishment report on EL 25600 for the period ended August 2010 | Phosphate Australia | CR2010-0693 | | 1 file |
2013 | Epenarra Project, Final surrender report, 18 January 2010 to 8 January 2013 | Northern Minerals | CR2013-0002 | | 1 file |
2013 | Glasshouse project, Partial relinquishment report for EL 26701 Glasshouse 12 for the period ending 26 March 2013 | Australis Exploration | CR2013-0174 | | 3 files
2011 | Partial relinquishment report for EL 26310 Glasshouse 8 for the period ending 27 June 2011 | Australis Exploration | CR2011-0337 | | 1 file |
2012 | Partial relinquishment report for EL 26310 Glasshouse 8, for the period 8 April 2008 to 27 June 2012 | Australis Exploration | CR2012-0429 | | 3 files
2012 | Partial relinquishment report, Playford River EL 27665 | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2012-0763 | | 2 files
2013 | Partial relinquishment report for the period ended August 2013 | Phosphate Australia | CR2013-0749 | | 1 file |
2012 | Partial surrender report 18 January 2010 to 17 January 2012 | Northern Minerals | CR2012-0050 | | 1 file |
2011 | Partial relinquishment report for the period ended August 2011 EL 25600 | Phosphate Australia | CR2011-0781 | | 1 file |
2012 | Partial relinquishment report, Black Plain EL 27666 | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2012-0767 | | 2 files
2013 | Glasshouse Project, Partial relinquishment report for EL 26310 Glasshouse 8, for the period 8 April 2008 to 7 April 2013 | Australis Exploration | CR2013-0462 | | 2 files
2012 | Partial relinquishment report, Boree EL 27819 | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2012-0768 | | 2 files
2012 | Combined annual report for the period 1 February 2011 to 31 January 2012 | Northern Minerals | CR2012-0108 | | 1 file |