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Title: Partial surrender report 18 January 2010 to 17 January 2012
Title Holder / Company: Northern Minerals
Report id: CR2012-0050
Tenure: EL27382
Year: 2012
Author: Chapman, J
Abstract: During 2010, compilation of publicly available regional data sets such as aeromagnetics, radiometrics, gravity and geological mapping was completed. Interpretation and analysis of this data was completed in order to determine initial targets and areas for on-ground investigation. Several attempts were made to commence on-ground exploration activities during 2011. Regional bushfires which burnt throughout August / September delayed on-ground exploration. A second attempt in mid-November also had to be abandoned due to heavy rains in the region. As a result, it was not possible to complete the proposed mapping, sampling and drilling activities that were scheduled for 2011. A fifty percent reduction in the tenement holding was due before work was completed on the ground.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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