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Title: Partial relinquishment report, Black Plain EL 27666
Title Holder / Company: Natural Resources Exploration
Report id: CR2012-0767
Tenure: EL27666
Year: 2012
Author: Munro, N
Abstract: NRE completed two (2) reconnaissance helicopter assisted field trips of the Barkly Project, one in July 2010 and the other in October 2010. NRE introduced themselves to local landholders, assessed a number of field targets across the tenement and carried out geological mapping of the project area. The field trips proved successful in evaluating the tenements in the most effective and timely manner possible. Geological characteristics were recorded at each site and bulk surface samples were collected. Two (2) samples were collected from within the relinquished area. NRE also attended the Darwin Core Library for the purposes of analysing water bore cuttings available within close proximity to EL27666. These water bores were tested by NRE using a portable XRF and where NRE felt appropriate, also sent some samples to ALS Laboratories for confirmation of initial analysis by portable XRF. There were no water bores located within the relinquished area however NRE tested those water bores within the retained area and surrounding tenements in order to gain a better understanding of the region. NRE has been able to successfully analyse the work conducted in the first term and integrate and collate the results of the specialised phosphate study with all available geological, geophysical and drill and bore hole data and was able to characterise the stratigraphic relationships pertaining to phosphate mineralisation to identify the most prospective areas within its Barkly Project tenures. NRE has concluded that the potential for mineralisation within this area is much lower than the remaining tenement area.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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