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Title: GR123 Combined annual report for the year ending 7 April 2011
Title Holder / Company: Australis Exploration
Report id: CR2011-0157
Tenure: EL26304;  EL26308;  EL26309;  EL26310;  EL26311;  EL26312;  EL26314;  EL26701;  EL26702
Year: 2011
Abstract: During the period the following work was completed: Geophysical Interpretation by Consultant Resource Potentials; Prospectivity and Valuation by Consultant Geologists Ravensgate; Site Visit-during January 2011 an attempt was made to conduct a site visit to the target areas as defined by the work carried out by Resource Potentials and Ravensgate however due to the excessive rain it was not possible to access the site. Excessive rain has continued since January making the area impassible.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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