Year | Title | Title Holder/Company | Report id | Preview | Download |
2012 | Partial surrender report 18 January 2010 to 17 January 2012 | Northern Minerals | CR2012-0050 | | 1 file |
2011 | Partial relinquishment report for the period ended August 2011 EL 25600 | Phosphate Australia | CR2011-0781 | | 1 file |
2012 | Partial relinquishment report, Black Plain EL 27666 | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2012-0767 | | 2 files
2013 | Glasshouse Project, Partial relinquishment report for EL 26310 Glasshouse 8, for the period 8 April 2008 to 7 April 2013 | Australis Exploration | CR2013-0462 | | 2 files
2012 | Partial relinquishment report, Boree EL 27819 | Natural Resources Exploration | CR2012-0768 | | 2 files
2012 | Combined annual report for the period 1 February 2011 to 31 January 2012 | Northern Minerals | CR2012-0108 | | 1 file |
2009 | Surrender report for EL 26766 | South Boulder Mines | CR2009-1044 | | 1 file |
2009 | Partial relinquishment report for EL 25600 for the period ended August 2009 | Phosphate Australia | CR2009-0819 | | 1 file |
1971 | 1971 Reports on AP 1874 Alroy` Area | Continental Oil Company of Australia | CR1971-0192 | | 1 file |
1990 | Final report for EL 4968, NT | Northern Cement | CR1990-0420 | | 1 file |
1989 | Annual report EL 4968, period ending 27 June 1989 Alexandria Station | Northern Cement | CR1989-0616 | | 1 file |
1985 | Annual report on exploration EL 4349, 06-12-1983 to 05-12-1984 | Aberfoyle Resources; Ashton Mining; AOG Minerals | CR1985-0024 | | 1 file |
1968 | Progress report No 1 1968, AP 1874 and 2081, including drilling operations for phosphate | Continental Oil Company of Australia | CR1968-0016 | | 1 file |
1968 | 1968 Annual Report Wonarah AP 2161 | IMC Development | CR1968-0032 | | 1 file |
2003 | Surrender reports for EL 22971-22974, EL 22976-22979, EL 22981-22983, EL 22985 and EL 22989-22993 | De Beers Australia Exploration | CR2004-0044 | | 1 file |
1983 | Annual and Final Report, 1982, Buchanan Dam, Georgina Basin. | CRA Exploration | CR1983-0151 | | 1 file |
1986 | Final Report for EL 4348 from 6-12-1983 to 4-12-1985 | Aberfoyle Exploration; Australian Diamond Exploration | CR1986-0099 | | 1 file |
1988 | 1988 Report on Auger Drilling for Alexandria Station EL 4968 | Northern Cement | CR1988-0298 | | 1 file |
1989 | EL 4968, relinquished area report Alexandria Station | Northern Cement | CR1989-0617 | | 1 file |
1970 | Annual Report on PA 2161 Wonarah | IMC Development | CR1970-0040 | | 1 file |
1986 | Final report EL 4349 for the period 6-12-1983 to 4-12-1985 | Aberfoyle Exploration; Australian Diamond Exploration | CR1986-0100 | | 1 file |
1988 | EL 4968, relinquished area report Alexandria Station, NT | Adelaide Brighton Cement | CR1988-0310 | | 1 file |
1977 | Annual Report for 1976, EL 1081 Alroy, Alexandria. | ICI Australia; Australia Fertilizers | CR1977-0038 | | 1 file |
1987 | EL 4968, annual report on exploration Alexandria Station NT for period ending 27/06/1987. | Northern Cement | CR1988-0018 | | 1 file |
1969 | Progress report on APs 1766, 2159, 2160, 2161, in the Alexandria region | IMC Development | CR1969-0022 | | 1 file |
1988 | Relinquished area report EL 4968 Alexandria Station | Northern Cement | CR1988-0240 | | 1 file |
1985 | Annual Report on exploration, 6-12-83 to 5-12-84. | Aberfoyle Exploration; Ashton Mining; AOG Minerals | CR1985-0023 | | 1 file |
1990 | Surrender report EL 4968 Alexandria Station | Northern Cement | CR1990-0551 | | 1 file |
1988 | EL 4969, annual report Alexandria Station for period ending 27-06-1988. | Northern Cement | CR1988-0267 | | 1 file |
1971 | Annual report, AP 1874, Alroy area, NT, 1971 drilling programme | Continental Oil Company of Australia | CR1971-0012 | | 1 file |
1970 | NT phosphate 1970 drilling program AP 1874 (Alroy area) | Pickands Mather and Co International | CR1970-0079 | | 1 file |
1996 | EL 9067, Buchanon Dam, Barkley Tableland, NT, annual and final report | Kennedy, S; Kennedy, C R | CR1996-0263 | | 1 file |
1970 | 1969 Annual Report AP 2161 Wonarah | IMC Development | CR1970-0036 | | 1 file |