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Title: 1971 Reports on AP 1874 Alroy` Area
Title Holder / Company: Continental Oil Company of Australia
Report id: CR1971-0192
Tenure: AP1874
Year: 1971
Author: Abbott, EO
Abstract: This is a compilation of progress reports from 1968 to the end of 1971. No data is included. Air-rotary drilling was undertaken for phosphate at Alroy. Area 1 was estimated to contain 100 Mt at 15% P2O5. Intercepts reported in Area 2 included 20 feet at an average of 25% P2O5. Assays of the 1971 drilling identified anomalous base metal mineralisation, but no details are given and it was not considered to be of economic grade. However, in late 1971 it was planned to do further drilling around hole A-2-71 to investigate possible base metals. As of September 1971, possible reserves in the two areas totaled about 14 Mt at greater than 20% P2O5. This was not regarded as economic. An EL was applied for.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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