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Title: Annual report EL 4968, period ending 27 June 1989 Alexandria Station
Title Holder / Company: Northern Cement
Report id: CR1989-0616
Tenure: EL4968
Year: 1989
Author: Nixon, LGB
Abstract: This work is part of much larger search by Northern Cement to locate high-grade gypsum in economically viable quantities. A gypsum resource is being outlined on this EL. Exploration drilling continued, but as yet the limits of the deposit have not been sufficiently defined. It is at least 2.4 km long, between 500 m and 1.5 km wide and averages about 1.75 thick. The northwestern and southeastern boundaries are poorly defined. It is believed to be the first economically viable gypsum deposit yet found in NT. Indications are that it contains over one million cubic metres. Some samples are yet to be assayed but no further drilling is warranted at this stage.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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