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Title: Annual report, AP 1874, Alroy area, NT, 1971 drilling programme
Title Holder / Company: Continental Oil Company of Australia
Report id: CR1971-0012
Tenure: AP1874
Year: 1971
Author: Kennedy, TJ
Abstract: The 1971 drilling programme in the Alroy area indicated a zone of anomalous base metal mineralization. Although none of the assay values is of economic grade further work is recommended. In addition, the 1971 drilling programme closed off previously discovered areas of phosphate mineralization. Possible reserves in the two areas drilled total a 14,000,000 tons of phosphate rock having a plus 20% P2O5 content. The deposits are not regarded as having any significance at this time.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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