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Title: Annual Report for 1976, EL 1081 Alroy, Alexandria.
Title Holder / Company: ICI Australia
Australia Fertilizers
Report id: CR1977-0038
Tenure: EL1081
Year: 1977
Abstract: The area was taken up to further explore phosphate mineralisation discovered in 1967 by Conaus-Pickands Mather. Continental Oil and Pickands Mather had previously drilled 22 holes in the area for 2332 feet under AP 1874. Hole 2-2A had 21.3% P2O5 over one foot and 10% P2O5 over 21 feet. Follow-up drilling led to reserve estimate. The current work consisted of nine rotary/percussion holes for 219.5 m. Many holes failed to confirm the grades previously reported and in some cases the zones were thinner.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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