Year | Title | Title Holder/Company | Report id | Preview | Download |
2024 | Round 16 Geophysics and Drilling Collaborations program Final Report Sandover Diamond Drilling EL 32695 | Baudin Resources; Encounter Resources | CR2024-0088 | | 2 files
2023 | Round 15 Geophysics and Drilling Collaborations program Final Report Sandover Gravity EL 32374, EL 32421, EL 32694, EL 32695, EL 32696, EL 33060 | Baudin Resources; Encounter Resources | CR2023-0008 | | 2 files
2016 | Exploration Licence 30797 Ooralingie Neutral Junction Project First Annual Report for the period 12 November 2015 to 11 November 2016 | Bowgan Minerals | CR2016-0570 | | 1 file |
1991 | Drill Hole Analytical Summary | Pacific Oil and Gas | PR1991-A145 | | 1 file |
2016 | Exploration Licence 24253 Neutral Junction Project Eleventh Annual Report for the period 7 April 2015 to 6 April 2016 | Mithril Resources; Bowgan Minerals | CR2016-0182 | | 4 files
2018 | EL 30797 Ooralingie Neutral Junction Project First Surrender Report to 22 November 2017 | Bowgan Minerals | CR2017-0599 | | 1 file |
2018 | EL 24253 Neutral Junction Project Summary Report for surrendered portion of tenement | Mithril Resources; Bowgan Minerals | CR2018-0198 | | 6 files
2021 | EL 31292 Buggy Camp (Neutral Junction Project) Second Surrender Report Anniversary No.4 | Bowgan Minerals | CR2021-0012 | | 1 file |
2015 | EL 24253 Neutral Junction Project Tenth Annual Report for the period 7 April 2014 to 6 April 2015 | Mithril Resources; Bowgan Minerals | CR2015-0241 | | 4 files
2014 | EL 24253 Neutral Junction Project Ninth Annual Report for the period 7 April 2013 to 6 April 2014 | Mithril Resources; Bowgan Minerals | CR2014-0140 | | 4 files
2013 | EL 29475 Adnera Hill Neutral Junction Project First Annual Report for the period 11 January 2013 to 10 January 2014 | Bowgan Minerals | CR2014-0009 | | 1 file |
2019 | EL 30797 Ooralingie, Neutral Junction Project, Second Surrender Report Anniversary No. 4 November 2019 | Bowgan Minerals | CR2019-0523 | | 1 file |
2013 | EL 24253 Neutral Junction Project Eighth Annual Report for the period 7 April 2012 to 6 April 2013 | Mithril Resources; Bowgan Minerals | CR2013-0104 | | 3 files
2019 | EL 31292 Buggy Camp, Neutral Junction Project, First Surrender Report Anniversary No. 2 February 2019 | Bowgan Minerals | CR2019-0008 | | 1 file |
2019 | Final Report for Central Batten GR478 EL 31426, EL 31596, EL 31597, EL 31687, EL 30868 and EL 31875, reporting period 24 March 2018 to 30 May 2019 | MMG Exploration | CR2019-0186 | | 1 file |
2012 | EL 24253 Neutral Junction Project Seventh Annual Report for the period 7 April 2011 to 6 April 2012 | Mithril Resources; Bowgan Minerals | CR2012-0169 | | 6 files
1992 | Surface Hydrocarbon Survey EP10, Northern Territory | Pacific Oil and Gas | PR1993-0073 | | 2 files
1988 | Progress Report for Permit Year One Ending 31 December 1987 | Pacific Oil and Gas | PR1988-0011 | | 1 file |
1989 | Depth to Basement Calculations from Potential Field Data, Southern Georgina Basin | Pacific Oil and Gas | PR1990-0024 | | 1 file |
2011 | EL 24253 Neutral Junction Project Sixth Annual report for the period 7 April 2010 to 6 April 2011 | Mithril Resources; Bowgan Minerals | CR2011-0092 | | 2 files
2010 | EL 24253 Neutral Junction Project Fifth annual report for the period 7 May 2009 to 6 May 2010 | Mithril Resources; Bowgan Minerals | CR2010-0206 | | 5 files
2010 | Mount Skinner Combined report CR039/09 ELs 25366, 25367, 25574, 25573, 25610, 26025, 25993, 26748, 26543
26719 reporting period 1 February 2009 to 31 January 2010 | Uramet Minerals | CR2010-0041 | | 5 files
2009 | EL 24253 Neutral Junction Project Fourth annual report for the period 7 May 2008 to 6 May 2009 | Mithril Resources; Mega Hindmarsh | CR2009-0237 | | 1 file |
2008 | Exploration Licence EL 24253 Netural Junction Project, Third annual report for the period 7 April 2007 to 6 April 2008 | Mithril Resources; Mega Hindmarsh Resources | CR2008-0292 | | 13 files
2007 | Exploration licence 24253 Neutral Junction Project, Second annual report for the period 7 April 2006 to 6 April 2007 | Mithril Resources; Hindmarsh Resources | CR2007-0147 | | 7 files
2017 | Summary report for the program of Gravity Surveying conducted by Atlas Geophysical Pty Limited at the Neutral Junction Project Core Initiative, Round 9, 13 December 2016 to 11 April 2017 | Mithril Resources; Bowgan Minerals | CR2017-0183 | | 2 files
2006 | Neutral Junction EL 24253 Annual report for the year ending 6 April 2006 | Mithril Resources; Hindmarsh Resources | CR2006-0142 | | 2 files
1967 | 1967 Tanami Barrow Creek Aeromagnetic Survey - Acquisiton & Interpretation Report | Mid-Wood Exploration; Lakes Oil; Mineral Ventures NL; Woodside Oil Company; Texaco; California Oil Company of Australia; Exoil Oil Co; Transoil; Farmout Drillers NL; American Overseas Petroleum | PR1967-0017 | | 4 files
1989 | 1989 Georgina Aeromagnetic Survey - Digital Data | Pacific Oil and Gas | PR0202-0002 | | 5 files
1989 | 1989 Georgina Aeromagnetic Survey - Hardcopy Data | Pacific Oil and Gas | PR0202-0001 | | 6 files
2015 | EL 29735 Barrow Creek Project Annual and final report 29 May 2013 to 9 June 2015 | Wuhua Mining Corporation | CR2015-0347 | | 1 file |
2014 | EL 29735 Barrow Creek Project Annual technical report 29 May 2013 to 28 May 2014 | Wuhua Mining Corporation | CR2014-0430 | | 1 file |
2014 | EL 29726 Barrow Creek Project Annual technical report 29 May 2013 to 28 May 2014 | Wuhua Mining Corporation | CR2014-0431 | | 1 file |
2015 | EL 29726 Barrow Creek Project Relinquishment report 29 May 2013 to 9 June 2015 | Wuhua Mining Corporation | CR2015-0334 | | 1 file |
2012 | Combined report Mount Skinner 1 February 2011 to 31 January 2012 | Intercept Minerals | CR2012-0155 | | 1 file |
2011 | Combined report on Mount Skinner for the period 1 February 2010 to 31 January 2011 | Uramet Minerals | CR2011-0102 | | 4 files
2014 | GR039 Mount Skinner Combined report 1 February 2013 to 31 January 2014 | Intercept Minerals | CR2014-0095 | | 1 file |
2013 | GR039 Mount Skinner Combined report 1 February 2012 to 31 January 2013 | Intercept Minerals | CR2013-0127 | | 1 file |
2011 | Final report on EL 25367 21 February 2007 to 13 January 2011 | Uramet Minerals | CR2011-0168 | | 9 files
2009 | Mount Skinner Combined report CR106/2008, ELs 25366, 25367, 25574, 25573, 25610, 26025, 25993 for the period 1 February 2008 to 31 January 2009 | Uramet Minerals | CR2009-0051 | | 2 files
2012 | EL 28527 Wilora, Final report for the period 20 September 2011 to 19 September 2012 | Intercept Minerals | CR2012-0909 | | 1 file |
2008 | First annual report on EL 25367 Wilora Palaeo-channel Uranium Project and Mt Skinner Base Metal Project. 21 February 2007 to 20 February 2008 | Uramet Minerals | CR2008-0065 | | 6 files
2011 | Annual report EL 26977, 23 July 2010 to 22 July 2011 | Fertoz | CR2011-0729 | | 3 files
2012 | Annual and final report EL 26977, 23 July 2009 to 13 September 2012 | Fertoz | CR2012-0612 | | 3 files
2010 | Annual report EL 26977, 23 July 2009 to 22 July 2010 | Fertoz | CR2010-0903 | | 1 file |
2010 | EL 24253 Neutral Junction Project Partial surrender report 26 March 2010 | Mithril Resources; Bowgan Minerals | CR2010-0357 | | 4 files
2009 | Final report for EL 25290 Barrow Creek for the period 23 July 2007 to 5 February 2009 | Quantum Resources | CR2009-0197 | | 1 file |
2009 | Partial surrender report for EL 24253 Neutral Junction Project 11 September 2009 | Mega Hindmarsh Resources | CR2009-0539 | | 2 files
2008 | Annual report for EL 25290, for the period 23 July 2007 to 22 July 2008 | Quantum Resources | CR2008-0365 | | 1 file |
2009 | Partial relinquishment report for EL 25367 for the period 21 February 2007 to 20 February 2009 | Uramet Minerals | CR2009-0276 | | 2 files