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Title: Exploration Licence 24253 Neutral Junction Project Twelfth Annual Report for the period 7 April 2016 to 6 April 2017
Title Holder / Company: Mithril Resources
Bowgan Minerals
Report id: CR2017-0206
Tenure: EL24253
Year: 2017
Author: Price, G
Abstract: Bowgan Minerals Limited is currently exploring for economic occurrences of copper, gold, silver, copper and base-metal and other elements within an iron oxide-copper-gold ('Tennant Creek-style' IOCG) deposit setting and for uranium within an unconformity-related deposit setting. Exploration activity was conducted to explore existing targets at Adnera Hill, on EL's 24253, 29475 and 30797 during the current reporting period which included; completion of a geological reconnaissance visit June 2016, a visit to PIRSA core library at Tonsley, Adelaide during December 2016 to review core of typical IOCG deposits in South Australia, commencement of a gravity survey program by contractor Atlas geophysics, the completion of a program of geological mapping during March 2017 which included collection of 19 soil and 3 rock chip samples, spectrometer testing and specific gravity determination of rock chips, processing and preliminary interpretation of ground magnetic datasets and review and interpretation of other exploration datasets and reporting.
NOTESee CR2017-0183 for Gravity Survey
Date Added: 6-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL24253_2017_A_2_Spectrometer_rockchips.txt19.06 kBText Add
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EL24253_2017_A_4_FileListing.txt412 BText Add
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