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YearTitleTitle Holder/CompanyReport idPreviewDownload
1963Photogeologic Evaluation ReportAmalgamated PetroleumPR1964-00071 file
1963Report on field work in OP86Amalgamated PetroleumPR1964-00081 file
19611961 Bauxite Explorations of Permits to Enter No 57 & 69.Reynolds Australia MinesCR1961-00041 file
1969Final Report Arnhem Land, AP 1301.United Uranium; Western Nuclear AustraliaCR1969-00761 file
1965Preliminary exploration report on Mt. Marumba and Parsons Range.United UraniumCR1965-00221 file
1968Final Report, AP 1295 Arnhem LandWestern NuclearCR1969-00521 file
1967Report on exploration within AP 1138 Eastern ArnhemlandBHP Minerals ExplorationCR1966-00081 file
1969Report on exploration within AP1138 during 1968BHP MineralsCR1969-00061 file
1964Petrological Report No. 23-64. Specimens of Haematite from Arnhem Land - Northern Territory.BHP MineralsCR1964-00051 file
1964Summary Report - Prospecting Arnhem Land, 1964BHP MineralsCR1964-00041 file
1967Report on Exploration Within Prospecting Authority 1138, Eastern Arnhem Land, During 1967.BHP MineralsCR1968-00111 file
1969Report on AP 1965 Mt. Bonner Year ended June 1969.Noranda AustraliaCR1969-00281 file
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