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YearTitleTitle Holder/CompanyReport idPreviewDownload
2015First annual report EL 30524 Native Gap Project for the period 29 September 2014 to 28 September 2015Western OpalsCR2015-08018 files
2016Annual and final report EL 30524 Native Gap Project for the period 29 September 2015 to 28 September 2016Western OpalsCR2016-06526 files
2009Aileron Project EL 24741 Woodforde Annual report for period ending 20 April 2009NuPower ResourcesCR2009-03477 files
2007First annual report for EL 24741 WoodfordeNuPower ResourcesCR2007-01851 file
2008Aileron Project EL 24741 Woodforde Annual report for period ending 21 April 2008NuPower ResourcesCR2008-03527 files
2011Aileron Project EL 24741 Woodforde Annual report for period ending 20 April 2011NuPower Resources; Arafura ResourcesCR2011-03953 files
2012Aileron Project EL 24741 Woodforde Annual report for period ending 20 April 2012NuPower Resources; Arafura ResourcesCR2012-04792 files
2012Aileron Project EL 24741 Woodforde annual report for period ending 20 April 2013Central Australian Phosphate; Arafura ResourcesCR2013-057213 files
2010Aileron Project EL 24741 Woodforde Annual report for the period ending 20 April 2010NuPower ResourcesCR2010-02833 files
2015Partial relinquishment report for EL 28498 Freeling for year ending 11 August 2015Arafura ResourcesCR2015-06543 files
2012EL 28543 Mount Lucy Annual report for period ending 3 November 2012NuPower ResourcesCR2012-09501 file
2013EL 28543 Mount Lucy Final report 4 November 2011 to 4 November 2013Central Australian PhosphateCR2013-09651 file
2012EL 24287 Native Gap, Combined 2012 Annual report and final technical report for the period 11 February 2005 to 24 April 2012Excelsior GoldCR2012-03081 file
20112011 Annual report EL 24287 Native Gap, for the period 12 February 2010 to 11 February 2011Excelsior GoldCR2011-01061 file
2010Annual report on EL 27335 Coppock and EL 27336 Connor for year ended 30 November 2010 Burt Plain ProjectArafura ResourcesCR2010-10607 files
2010Final report for EL 26103 Allungra Creek for period ending 19 November 2010Blackwood CorporationCR2010-10561 file
2012EL 24741 Woodforde Partial relinquishment report for period ending 20 April 2013Central Australian Phosphate; Arafura ResourcesCR2013-06062 files
2010Annual report for period ending 11 February 2010, EL 24287 Native GapNuPower ResourcesCR2010-01381 file
2010Annual report for EL 26103 Allungra Creek, for period ending 5 February 2010NuPower ResourcesCR2010-00491 file
2009EL 24287 Native Gap Relinquishment Report for period ending 11 February 2009Atom Energy; NuPower ResourcesCR2009-03515 files
2009Aileron Project EL 26103 Allungra Creek Annual report for period ending 5 February 2009Matilda Minerals; NuPower ResourcesCR2009-00943 files
2009Aileron Project EL 24287 Native Gap Annual report for period ending 11 February 2009Atom Energy; NuPower ResourcesCR2009-01127 files
1997EL 9146 Desert Bore Partial Relinquishment Report for the exploration activities on the area reduced at the year ended 15 August 1997Aberfoyle ResourcesCR1997-06922 files
2008EL 24287 Native Gap, Annual report for the period ending 10 February 2008Atom EnergyCR2008-00643 files
2007Second annual report for EL 24287 Native Gap, year ending 10 February 2007Imperial Granite and MineralsCR2007-01901 file
1998EL 9146 Desert Bore Partial Relinquishment report for exploration activities on the area redued at the year ended 15 August 998Aberfoyle ResourcesCR1998-07272 files
2006First annual report for EL 24287 Native Gap, year ending 10 February 2006Imperial Granite and Minerals; Cleaver, RBCR2006-00161 file
1998Exploration licence 9146 'Desert Bore' (Alcoota and Napperby 1:25000 sheets) Annual report on exploration for the year inded 15 August 1998Aberfoyle ResourcesCR1998-06561 file
2005Relinquishment report for EL 22387 'Hanson'Tanami GoldCR2005-01461 file
1996EL 9146 Desert Bore, annual report for year ending 15-08-1996Aberfoyle ResourcesCR1996-06921 file
2006Final report for EL 22387 Hanson, from 26 March 2003 to 22 February 2006Tanami ExplorationCR2006-01551 file
2003Relinquishment report for EL 22384ExploreminCR2003-00431 file
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