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Title: EL 9146 Desert Bore, annual report for year ending 15-08-1996
Title Holder / Company: Aberfoyle Resources
Report id: CR1996-0692
Tenure: EL9146
Year: 1996
Author: Thompson, AD
Hughes, SLM
Drown, CG
Abstract: BMR regional airborne magnetic data was acquired and processed. 3 lines of ground magnetics (5.8 line km) of ground magnetic data was acquired over apparent airborne magnetic where they crossed the road. In addition 6 RAB holes (299m) were drilled in two lines to determine the thickness of cover 4 holes successfully reach basement. Lithologies intersected were generally granitic. No significant geochemical values obtained.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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