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Title: Annual and final report EL 30524 Native Gap Project for the period 29 September 2015 to 28 September 2016
Title Holder / Company: Western Opals
Report id: CR2016-0652
Tenure: EL30524
Year: 2016
Author: Rafferty, WJ
Bruynzeel, J
Abstract: Western Opals carried out a limited program of reconnaissance geological mapping and geochemical sampling this period. All samples were prepared and assayed by ALS Global Laboratories. The potential for the discovery of significant underlying gold-base metal mineralisation in the Mt Ewart Fault Zone as previously considered has been significantly downgraded. No further work is warranted and it was recommended that this Exploration License 30524 be surrendered. It was subsequently surrendered in full.
NOTESee CR2015-0801 for Rock Chip Sampling Data (Year 1)
Date Added: 25-Apr-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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