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Results 101-150 of 569 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).
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YearTitleTitle Holder/CompanyReport idPreviewDownload
2010Harts Range Garnet Project Technical group report Year ending 22 January 2010 EL 10150 and EL 10372Matilda Zircon; Olympia ResourcesCR2010-00681 file
2012Seismic Interpretation, Structural Mapping and Geological Review of 2011 Emma (Ross Infill) seismic survey, including reprocessed 2009, 2010 surveys and some pre 2009 vintage linesPetroFrontier; StatOil Australia; TexaltaPR2013-00021 file
2009Harts Range Garnet Project Technical group report year ending 22 January 2009 EL 10150 and EL 10372Olympia ResourcesCR2009-01026 files
2009Harts Range Garnet Project Group annual report Year ending 1 November 2009 EL 25098, EL 24360, EL 25099, EL 24378 and EL 24641Olympia ResourcesCR2009-08551 file
2009Harts Range Aturga Garnet Project Annual report year ending 11 November 2009 ML 23868Matilda ZirconCR2009-08791 file
2009Harts Range Project Annual report for EL 24552 for the period ending 25 August 2009Barfuss CorporationCR2009-11802 files
2009MLS 155 to 162 inclusive Annual report 2008 - 2009InmineralsCR2009-11111 file
2009EL 24253 Neutral Junction Project Fourth annual report for the period 7 May 2008 to 6 May 2009Mithril Resources; Mega HindmarshCR2009-02371 file
2008Exploration Licence EL 24253 Netural Junction Project, Third annual report for the period 7 April 2007 to 6 April 2008Mithril Resources; Mega Hindmarsh ResourcesCR2008-029213 files
2017Annual and Final report for EL 31095 year ending 24 August 2017Arafura ResourcesCR2017-04201 file
2008Harts Range Garnet Project group annual report year ending 22 January 2008Olympia ResourcesCR2008-01091 file
2007Harts Range Garnet Project group annual report Year ending 1 November 2007 EL 25098, EL 24360, EL 25099, EL 24378 and EL 24641Olympia ResourcesCR2007-06411 file
2008EL 24355 Utopia Third annual report year ending 24 March 2008Imperial Granite and MineralsCR2008-10571 file
2008Harts Range Project annual report for EL 24552 for the period ending 25 August 2008Flagstaff GeoConsultants; Barfuss CorporationCR2008-06641 file
2007Exploration licence 24253 Neutral Junction Project, Second annual report for the period 7 April 2006 to 6 April 2007Mithril Resources; Hindmarsh ResourcesCR2007-01477 files
2008Harts Range Granet Project Group annual report year ending 1 November 2008 EL 25098, EL 24360, EL 25099, EL 24378 and EL 24641Olympia ResourcesCR2008-07611 file
2008Group annual report MLS 155 to 162 Harts Range Garnet SandsInmineralsCR2008-08401 file
2007Harts Range Garnet Project, Group annual report, year ending 22 January 2007, EL 10150, EL 25098, EL 24360, EL 25099, EL 10331, EL 9851, EL 24378, EL 24641, EL 10372, EL 9410, EL 23090, EL 23088, EL 23087, EL 23089Olympia ResourcesCR2007-00402 files
2007Harts Range Project Annual report for EL 24552 for the period ending 25 August 2007Barfuss CorporationCR2007-04985 files
2007MLS 155-162 annual report 2006 to 2007InmineralsCR2007-06481 file
2012EL 28299 Annual report for the period 18 March 2011 to 17 March 2012Ao-Zhong International Mineral ResourcesCR2012-02641 file
2014EL 28299 Annual report for the period 18 March 2013 to 17 March 2014Ao-Zhong International Mineral ResourcesCR2014-0290EL28299_2014_04_A_Figure4.jpg.jpg5 files
2013EL 28299 Annual report for the period 18 March 2012 to 17 March 2013Ao-Zhong International Mineral ResourcesCR2013-03102 files
2017The sixth annual and final report for EL 28299, 18 March 2016 to 17 March 2017Ao-Zhong International Mineral ResourcesCR2017-01841 file
2015The fourth annual report for EL 28299 for the period 18 March 2014 to 17 March 2015Ao-Zhong International Mineral ResourcesCR2015-02701 file
2016The fifth annual report for EL 28299 for the period 18 March 2015 to 17 March 2016Ao-Zhong International Mineral ResourcesCR2016-02331 file
2017Summary report for the program of Gravity Surveying conducted by Atlas Geophysical Pty Limited at the Neutral Junction Project Core Initiative, Round 9, 13 December 2016 to 11 April 2017Mithril Resources; Bowgan MineralsCR2017-01832 files
2012Annual report for EL 27645, 14 April 2011 to 13 April 2012Acacia MineralsCR2012-03461 file
2015Annual report for EL 27645, 14 April 2014 to 13 April 2015FAR ResourcesCR2015-04445 files
2017Annual and final report for EL 27645 period 14 April 2016 to 13 April 2017FAR ResourcesCR2017-01875 files
2013Annual report EL 27645, 14 April 2012 to 13 April 2013FAR ResourcesCR2013-04373 files
2016Annual report for EL 27645, 14 April 2015 to 13 April 2016FAR ResourcesCR2016-03172 files
2014Annual report for EL 27645, 14 April 2013 to 13 April 2014FAR ResourcesCR2014-03514 files
2011First annual report EL 27645 Plenty River Project for the reporting period 14 April 2010 to 13 April 2011Acacia MineralsCR2011-02051 file
2006Harts Range Garnet Project Group annual report Year ending 22 January 2006 EL 10150, EL 9190, EL 9191, EL 10331, EL 9851, EL 10372, EL 9410, EL 23090, EL 23088, EL 23087, EL 23089Olympia ResourcesCR2006-00413 files
2006Strangways Project EL 10364 Mud Tank, EL 22443 Strangways, EL22446 Alcoota and EL 22623 Philogopite Final combined report for the period 6 December 2001 to 27 January 2006Flinders DiamondsCR2006-01732 files
2006Annual report for exploration licence EL 24552 for the period ending 25 August 2006Barfuss CorporationCR2006-04186 files
2006Neutral Junction EL 24253 Annual report for the year ending 6 April 2006Mithril Resources; Hindmarsh ResourcesCR2006-01422 files
2006Annual report for ML 23868 Harts Range Aturga Garnet Project year ending 22 January 2006Olympia ResourcesCR2006-06831 file
2015First annual report EL 30524 Native Gap Project for the period 29 September 2014 to 28 September 2015Western OpalsCR2015-08018 files
2015Harts range spinifex bore garnet project annual technical report for the period 15 May 2014 to 15 October 2015 EL 30138Australian Abrasive MineralsCR2015-00071 file
2016Annual and final report EL 30524 Native Gap Project for the period 29 September 2015 to 28 September 2016Western OpalsCR2016-06526 files
2017Harts Range Spinifex Bore Garnet Project, Tenth annual and final report for EL 30138, 14 May 2014 to 21 February 2017Australian Abrasive MineralsCR2017-00382 files
2017Partial reliniquishment report for EL 24360, 15 February 2017Australian Abrasive MineralsCR2017-00462 files
1971Ngalia Basin 1971 Seismic Survey - Final Acquisition, Processing & Interpretation ReportMagellan Petroleum; Southern Pacific PetroleumPR1971-00093 files
19671967 Tanami Barrow Creek Aeromagnetic Survey - Acquisiton & Interpretation ReportMid-Wood Exploration; Lakes Oil; Mineral Ventures NL; Woodside Oil Company; Texaco; California Oil Company of Australia; Exoil Oil Co; Transoil; Farmout Drillers NL; American Overseas PetroleumPR1967-00174 files
19921991 Reprocessing of Ngalia Seismic Surveys - Hardcopy DataMagellan PetroleumPR1992-00464 files
-Ngalia Basin 1971 Seismic Survey - Digtital Data, Field data and Processed dataMagellan Petroleum; Southern Pacific PetroleumPR2010-00232 files
1982Mount Allan Seismic Survey and New Haven Seismic Survey - Digital DataInternational Oil ProprietaryPR0092-00024 files
1982Mount Allan Seismic Survey and New Haven Seismic Survey - Seismic Acquistion & Interpretation ReportsInternational Oil ProprietaryPR1982-00374 files
Results 101-150 of 569 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).