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Title: First annual report EL 27645 Plenty River Project for the reporting period 14 April 2010 to 13 April 2011
Title Holder / Company: Acacia Minerals
Report id: CR2011-0205
Tenure: EL27645
Year: 2011
Author: Lennartz, R
Abstract: The Plenty River Project, held by Acacia Minerals Pty Limited, comprises EL's 27639 and 27645 and ELA's 28081, 28190, 28207, 28222 and 28223 and is approximately 300 kilometres northeast of Alice Springs. Acacia Minerals, which holds the tenements, is a wholly owned subsidiary of NT Resources Limited, a public company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. NT Resources Limited believes that the Project Area has good potential for copper, nickel, cobalt and the platinum group of elements (PGE). This prospectivity is enhanced by the presence of ultramafic rocks identified and mapped by the NTGS. There is potential for the region to also host palaeochannel uranium mineralisation. EL 27645 became an important parcel of exploration licence in the Plenty River Project area. Exploration activities involved office based literature reviews.
Date Added: 27-Jul-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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