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Title: Seismic Interpretation, Structural Mapping and Geological Review of 2011 Emma (Ross Infill) seismic survey, including reprocessed 2009, 2010 surveys and some pre 2009 vintage lines
Title Holder / Company: PetroFrontier
StatOil Australia
Report id: PR2013-0002
Tenure: EP103;  EP104;  EP127
Year: 2012
Corporate Author: Ginkgo Resources
Abstract: The Emma Seismic Survey, processing and reprocessing of previous seismic data in PetroFrontier's Southern Georgina NT Licences was primarily aimed at further delineating previously (2010) identified conventional structures. It was thought these may contain significant moveable hydrocarbons that may occur in the Thorntonia Limestone, oolitic shoals of the Arthur Creek Formation, Steamboat Sandstone and Hagen Member.
Unfortunately during interpretation of the reprocessed GBE 2010 and Emma Survey, many of the structures, which had been identified when interpreting the original 2010 data turned out to either not exist or to be much smaller than originally thought. The main issue being that the 2010 seismic had been processed inaccurately creating structure where there was none and incorrectly increasing small structures into larger structures.
PetroFrontier has since switched focus to unconventional resources not reliant on conventional structures. The new interpretation presented herewith, has increased understanding of the overall structure of the area and should allow for better assessment of unconventional targets.
Report includes well ties with Baldwin 1; Hunt 1; MacIntyre 1; Sandover 1; Owen 2; Ross 1
Document Type: Seismic Interpretation
Date Added: 26-Jul-2018
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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