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Title: Harts Range Granet Project Group annual report year ending 1 November 2008 EL 25098, EL 24360, EL 25099, EL 24378 and EL 24641
Title Holder / Company: Olympia Resources
Report id: CR2008-0761
Tenure: EL25098;  EL24360;  EL25099;  EL24378;  EL24641
Year: 2008
Author: Stewart, S
Abstract: During the last anniversary year there was waterbore testwork as well as a couple of Uranium reviews completed. The waterbore testwork determined that the Amblalindum Sandstone aquifer is likely to supply the water requirements of 1210 m3/d (14 L/s) for five years. The borefield would comprise the existing bores OLY 1, OLY 4, OLY 7, OLY 8 and OLY 9, and a postulated new bore ADB1. The Uranium review identified that there were some potential Uranium anomalies which would require further work to confirm.
Date Added: 2-Oct-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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