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Title: Tarawarra Prospect Seismic Reprocessing - Reprocessing and Interpretation Report (P81 - GE lines)
Title Holder / Company: Magellan Petroleum
Report id: PR1987-0052
Tenure: OP178
Year: 1987
Corporate Author: Geo Systems
Abstract: This Reprocessing Project was conducted by Magellan Petroleum on behalf of the Amadeus Joint Venture, on three seismic lines P81-GE10, 11, 13 and their extensions. The main objective of the work was to determine whether or not if it was necessary to include a reshoot of these lines as part of a seismic program proposed to mature Tarawarra prospect.
Document Type: Seismic Processing
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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