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Title: Annual report for EL 25983 Halfway Dam, 6 December 2008 to 5 December 2009, Georgina Basin Project
Title Holder / Company: Auvex Resources
Report id: CR2009-1055
Tenure: EL25983
Year: 2009
Author: Davis, B
Abstract: Auvex Resources Ltd operates Exploration Licence EL25983 which was granted to South Boulder Mines NL on 6th December 2007. Ownership transfer to Auvex has been lodged. During the reporting period 6th December 2008 to 5th December 2009 the following work was completed: Review of regional Geophysics (BMR/NTGS) data - mainly Magnetic and Radiometric, Regional Geology (NTGS) and publications data review, Satellite and DTM model image review, Interpretation of geophysical images for radiometrics and magnetics, Interpretation of geology from satellite images and regional NTGS mapping data, Interpretation of potential manganese targets such as mangano-ferricrete remnant surfaces and manganese cappings on post-Cambrian palaeo-surfaces. Exploration activities completed so far indicate that the investigations carried out on the tenement have confirmed the presence of manganese anomalies and confirmed the occurrence of manganese within a lateritised and weathered oxide profile of probable Palaeozoic age.
Date Added: 27-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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